Haris Andrea szerk.: Koldulórendi építészet a középkori Magyarországon Tanulmányok (Művészettörténet - műemlékvédelem 7. Országos Műemlékvédelmi Hivatal,)

J. Dankó Katalin – Szekér György: A sárospataki ferences kolostor kutatása

2. A plan of the excavation of the Franciscan Monastery 3. The Franciscan Monastery in the middle of the 13th century 4. Churches with rectangular chancel in the middle 13th century a - Sárospatak, Franciscan Church b - Margaret Island, the Church of the Dominican Convent (after G. Tux) c - Margaret Island, Franciscan Church (after L. Gerevich) d - Buda, Dominican Church (after K. H. Gyürky) 5. The Franciscan Monastery around the 1380s 6. The Franciscan and the Poor Sisters of St. Clair Klosters around the 1380s 7. Churches with semi-hexagonal chancels in the second half of the 14th century a - Sárospatak, Franciscan Church-Chapel of the Poor Sisters of St. Clair b - St. Veit a. d. Glan, Church of the Poor Sisters of St. Clair (after Donin) c - Piest'any Church of the Order of St. John (after Mencl) 8. The Franciscan Monastery in the middle of the 15th century

