Dr. Kubassek János (szerk.): Földrajzi Múzeumi Tanulmányok 16. (Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum; Érd, 2007)

KÖZLEMÉNYEK - Dr. Szabó József: A szaharai sziklarajzok kérdéséhez - a Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum 1993-as expedíciójának tükrében

vízkészletének kiegészítésére alkalmas oázisok. Ez volt a legendás Zarzura. 5 A felvételezett térkép és a vádi torkolatával kapcsolatos néhány lényeges adat a felvételeket végzőkre való hi­vatkozással időközben (1999) már közlésre került Ku- bassek János: A Szahara bűvöletében című könyvében. 6 Újabban igen sok munkában, az interneten is több helyen az olvasható, hogy az úszó alakok rajzait Uveinatban találták. Amint ezt a közölt képek is mutatják, azok a Vádi Szuraban láthatók. IRODALOM ALMÁSY LÁSZLÓ (é.n.): Az ismeretlen Szahara. Budapest, Magyar Földrajzi Társaság Könyvtára, p. 216. ALMASY LÁSZLÓ (1938): Unbekannte Sahara. Berlin HOELLRIEGEL, A. (1938): Zarzura, die Oase der kleinen Vögel. Zürich, p. 216. KÁDÁR LÁSZLÓ (1937): La morfológia dell’altopiano del GilfKebir. Bollettino delle R. Societa Geografi- ca Italiana, LXXIV, pp. 485-503. KLITZSCH, E. (1978) Geologische Bearbeitung Süd­west-Ägyptens. Geologische Rundschau, Bd. 67, pp. 509-520. KLITZSCH, E. (1983): Geological Research In and Around Nubia. Episodes, No. 3., pp.15-19. KUBASSEK JÁNOS (1999): A Szahara bűvöletében. Budapest SCHIFFERS, H. (ed.) (1971-73): Die Sahara und ihre Randgebiete. München, I-III. k., p. 674, p. 672, p. 756 ON THE SAHARAN ROCK PAINTINGS-in the light of the 1993 expedition of the Hungarian Geographical Museum by József Szabó The paper provides further background to the rock paintings found in the caves of wadis on the western edge of Gilf Gebir plateau. The paintings were studied during the expedition of the Hungarian Geographical Museum during 1993. Most of these paintings were found by László Almásy during his expeditions in 1933 but their presentation was very brief and even their exact location was not deter­mined at that time. The expedition in 1993 mainly 16 Dr. Szabó József munka közben (Fotó: Dr. Kubassek János) described the physical environment of the caves and Wadi Sura, and also performed topographical map­ping at the mouth of the Wadi. The paper provides a brief summary on the geomor- phological status of Gilf Kebir based on studies from the last 25 years of the 20th century mainly relying on the works of E. Klitzsch. The geomorphology of Wadi Sura is also presented highlighting the mass mo­vement formations and episodic fluvial erosion for­mations in the mouth region. Furthermore a detailed overview of the 3 caves with paintings is supplied and the experiences are compared with those of Almásy. The research findings in 1993 could not confirm Almasy’s theory either on the spring origin of the ca­ves, or on an ancient lake in the area. In two caves of the steep wadi walls the desert layer with the paintings is eroding substantially, but different generations of the paintings can be still recognised. A small hollow with paintings under the rests of a cone hill of the mouth region is probably a new discovery. The hol­low was named giraffe-hole after its most significant figure. The hole has changed its shape significantly since the origin of the paintings, as some of the pain­tings became inaccessible in positions where the hole is only a couple of decimetres wide. Translated by József Szabó

