Dr. Kubassek János szerk.: Földrajzi Múzeumi Tanulmányok 13. (Magyar Földrajzi Múzeum; Érd, 1994)

ÉRTEKEZÉSEK - Dr. Deák Antal András: L. F. Marsigli Duna-monográfiájának eredettörténete

p. 48-49. Bologna, 1696....: p. 50. Bologna, 1697. febr. 6./ Ismét két ábrán magyarázza a vízsebesség mérésének technikáját. 30. Malpighi, Marcello (1628-1694) - A vérkeringést és a hajszálerek rendszerét tanulmányozta Marsigli tanára. 31. M.Ltár Vol 79. p. 181. - Zágráb, 1700. febr. 16. 32. Pl. a felvidéki bányákkal foglalkozó részhez infor­mációkat és rajzokat szolgáltatókról is vannak a M.Ltárban adatok, de ezek a levelek és feljegy­zések még ugyancsak feldolgozásra várnak. THE ORIGIN OF MARSIGLI'S MONOGRAPH ON THE DANUBE Antal András Deák Author intends to throw light on the origins of this large-scale work, hidden in the mist of the past. L.F. Marsigli arrived in Hungary as a soldier in 1683. He was educated in the sciences of his time. An evidence to his eminence in sciences is his Royal Society mem­bership dated in 1691. During the war against the Ottomans he devoted part of his time to the scientific exploration of I lungary. In order to prepare a monograph on the Danube he gathered round himself the best contemporary experts. Marsigli was closely associated with a group of scientists and artists in Nuremberg. A member of this group, J.C. Müller, who was to be a famous car­tographer, became one of his co-workers. Müller was also experienced in astronomical observations. As leader of the Border Marking Committee, Count Marsigli had the Hungarian-Turkish border surveyed and mapped. The overview map attached to his reports to the Emperor was completed by Müller. In 1702 and 1703 Müller drew numerous maps in Nuremberg for Marsigli. In those years the overview map ('mappa generalis') the hydrographie map (mappa potamographica), 18 maps of Danube sec­tions and the renowned border map consisting of 41 maps of sections and an overview map were pre­pared. From the viewpoint of the monograph the activities of Georg Christoph Eimart, Midler's former master, have to be mentioned. He prepared the engravings for most of the figures of the 'Danubius'. The inscrip­tions in the illustrations were engraved by A.C. Fleischmann. The work of the small Nuremberg work­shop can be well detected from the contract with Marsigli. The documents are located in the Bibliotheca Universitaria at Bologna. In addition to those mentioned above a long list could be included of other people who assisted Marsigli with books, bibliographies, consultations in scientific issues and supplementing his figures. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to clarify the origins of the 'Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus'. The research into the role of the Nuremberg masters can only be regarded as a first step towards this end. Transleted by Dénes Lóczy il

