Veress Márton: A Bakony természettudományi kutatásának eredményei 23. - Covered karst evolution... (Zirc, 2000)


Fig. 28. Profile across the sediment fill of a karst depression of complex development (streamsink doline Ho-8, karst terrain around the Homód-árok) (modified after VERESS 1987b, sections drawn by FUTÓ 1980a) Legend: a. cross-section of the explorationpit of the karst depression; b. longitudinal section; c. groundplan of karst depression - 1. scattered gravels in fill; 2. yellow silt; 3. dark gray clay; 4. greenish gray clay; 5. lami­nite (laminae of clay and silt); 6. slightly clayey silt; 7. brownish yellow soil; 8. humus; 9. edge of karst depres­sion; 10. water conduit; 11. channel; 12. exploration pit - A. inactivation; B r state of equilibrium at deepe­ning of karst depression; B 2 . state of equilibrium with increasing sediment influx (forest clearing); C. plug­ging of water conduit; D. inactive state; E. opening of water conduit; F. activation - The position of the zone of cavitation may be rahter variable related to the surface. The upper boundary may be close to the surface of carbonate rock (such cavities are exposed, for instance, in the stone quarry near Dudar) or in greater depth. The zone may be of limited thickness or of greater vertical extension. In the latter case, zones with and without cavities alternate. It is explained by the cyclical uplift od the enclosing block or by non-karstic or poorly karstifying intercalations in the karstic rock. - A relatively large-scale cavity formation is observed in nummulitic limestone, particu­larly if it overlies „Hauptdolomit". - The cavities of the flowing karst water zone contribute to the visible assemblage of landforms in the mountains in function of teh manner they evolved to their present shape. Caving of ceiling (collapse doline formation) or exposure (cave remnant formation) are dis­tinguished.

