Keve András, Sági Károly Jenő: A Bakony természettudományi kutatásának eredményei 7. - Keszthely és környékének madárvilága (Veszprém, 1970)

The birds of Keszthely and its surroundings (Summary)

The area had been searched by KEVE from 1946 to 1967 and by SÁGI from 1963 to 1967. The first record had been put down by M. BÉL in the 18th century: EISEL had been travelling around here in 1806 and left behind ornithological records. In 1874 DRÉHER was collecting at Keszthely for the National Museum. From 1889 to 1946 LOVASSY had been searching the area and had many publications on it. In 1892 HOMEYER visited the area. In the early 20th century KUKULJEVIC had been active in the field of bird protection at Keszthely. On the observations and fact-finding between 1908 and 1949 KELLER had a great many of publications. DARNAY—DOR­NYAY who was living in Keszthely from 1940 to 1965 but as a native of Keszthely had been working there also previously a considerable amount of time, has been an eager collector of data, too. Data concerning migration had been sent in for the "Aquila" to Keszthely by GAAL (1894), LOVASSY (1894—1898), LÁZÁR (1898—1900), KELLER (1915—1926) and HORN (1925). In the years 1932 and 1933 STEINFATT was travelling around in the area. L. SZIJJ, the ornithologist of the Balaton Museum, did the same in the years 1955 and 1956. Some data had already been sent in by friends mentioned above.

