H. Harmat Beáta (szerk.): A Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum Közleményei 30. (Zirc, 2013)

PAPP JENŐ: A zirci Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum alapításának története (1962- 1969)

FOLIA MUSEI HISTORICO-NATURALIS BAKONYIENSIS A BAKONYI TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI Zirc, 30-2013; 13-24 A ZIRCI BAKONYI TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI MÚZEUM AUAPÍTÁSÁNAK TÖRTÉNETE (1962-1969) PAPP JENŐ H-l 184 Budapest, Kézműves utca 14/A j.pappl933@gmail.com PAPP, J: History of the foundation of the Bakony Natural History Museum in Zirc (Hungary) (1962-1969) Abstract: The first attempts to found a provincial museum in the County Veszprém (Hungary, Transdanubia) has been carried out in 1870s years. The foundation of the museum was attached to DE­ZSŐ LACZKÓ (1860-1932), piarist monk who, besides teaching in a Veszprém grammar school, was deeply interested in the geological survey of the wide environment of the town Veszprém as well as the Bakony Mts (North of Lake Balaton). The world-famous Hungarian geologist, L. Lóczy called him to draft the monograph entitled „Geological description of the town Veszprém and its wide environment ". One of the creative inducement of the foundation of the museum in Veszprém was the presence of D. LACZKÓ's geological collection. After D. LACZKÓ's decease the geological survey have been shifted towards the entomological exploration of the Bakony Mts by J. PAPP's special sphere of interest. He has taken over the section of the natural history in Bakony Museum 1956. In 1962 J. PAPP launched the manifold exploration project under the name „Nature History of the Bakony Mountains" . The project extended to the survey of petrology, palaeontology, geography, meteorology, paedology, botany, zoology and nature conservation of Bakony Mts. Since that time the project is supported by the Directory of County Museum Veszprém and by the County Council of Veszprém. The spectacular increasing natural history factual knowledge as well as the petrological, palaeontological, botanical and zoological collections imperatively forced the foundation of the second self-employed natural history museum in Hungary (after the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest). The Deed of Foundation of the Mu­seum was compiled by J. PAPP in 1969. The following points of view were considered in it: the need of the foundation, the personal staff, the special collections, the field of action and collection territory, the publication activity, educational missions and permanent exhibition, development of personal staff. The inaugural opening of the Bakony Natural History Museum (in Hungarian: Bakonyi Természettdományi Múzeum) in the town Zirc was performed in May 1972. The museum office and exhibition was placed in the former Cistercian abbey castle. Simultanously with the Deed of Foundation of natural history museum in Zirc a second project was also compiled also by J. PAPP in 1969. The project provided a plan to develop the Hungarian museum organization with two new museums: Country Museum of Hunting and Country Museum of Forestry. 13

