Dr. Tóth Sándor (szerk.): A Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum Közleményei 7. (Zirc, 1988)

DR. UHERKOVICH ÁKOS – DR. NÓGRÁDI SÁRA: The Trichoptera of the Bakony mountains and environs II. (Hungary)

FOLIA MUSEI HISTORICO-NATURALIS BAKONYI ENSIS A BAKONYI TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI MÜZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI 7—1988 THE TRICHOPTERA OF THE BAKONY MOUNTAINS AND ENVIRONS II. (HUNGARY) DR. ÁKOS UHERKOVICH — DR. SÁRA U. NÓGRÁDI Na t.-His t. Department of Janus l'an nonius Museum, Pécs ABSTRACT: The Trichoptera of the Bakony Mountains and Environs II. CHungary). 2236 males and 5214 females of 74 species were collected in 38 sites. The number of species increased just to 100. The composition of fauna of "Meleg-víz" is very unusual, it is due to the permanent water­temperature. Introduction Until recently two papers have been published on the Trichoptera fauna of the Ba­kony Mountains C ÚJHELYI 1979, NÓGRÁDI-UHERKOVICH 1985). 87 species were known from 52 localities, and the fauna seemed not particularly rich. It was establi­shed that the polluted and drying-out streams are unfavourable for the caddis­flies. We have almost put aside the examination of caddisfly fauna, when our collea­gue, Mr. L. ABRAHAM called our attention to the upper branches of river Marcal. Our first experiences were exceptional, and then we decided to come to know this region as far as possibile. Naturally all materials coming from the other parts of the Bakony Mts. were elaborated, too. Collecting sites and methods We are presenting caddisfly data from 38 localities. 23 of them have not been in­cluded in the previous papers. From the bulk of sites only one or few data are known CFig, 1, 2). Large material of two light-traps C Gógánfa and Tés) was elaborated. Our most important collecting activity spread over the upper branches of river Marcal and its tributaries CFig. 2). The stream Meleg-víz C'Warm Water' ) is one of the upper tributaries of river Marcal: it is longer than the spring branch of Marcal. Its lenght is 25.5 km, the catchment area is 143.6 sq. km. Formerly it was a small stream fed by native springs. For almost 3 decades a very large quantity of warm karst water have been pumped up to the surface because of bauxit mines set up around village Nyirád. This water coming permanently to 80 eu. m. per minute is lead by stream Meleg­víz. The temperature of stream does not fall under 17 degrees from 10-12 km away from the sources in winter, too. Because of the permanent water vegetation of bed and close bank Í3 green all round the year. The gradient of stream is 75 m along 25.5 km, namely 3 per mille in average. Therefore it runs very quickly, the bed is formed by limestone, calcareous tufa and pebble, along the slow branches, by silt. The water is not polluted generally, but sometimes domestic outlet water or faeces is emptied into the riverbed, probably illegaly. The water of river Marcal is determined by "Meleg-víz": its water output is permanent along long branches, and the fluctuation of its temperature is moderate. The other, right tributary, stream Kígyós-patak is also dammed up by karst wa­ter. It is ordinary, cold water. The lenght of stream is 24.4 km, the catchment area is 126.4 sq. km. The spring branches of Marcal are unimportant, short C 8-10 km), often dry creeks.

