Dr. Tóth Sándor (szerk.): A Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum Közleményei 7. (Zirc, 1988)

DR. SZEŐKE KÁLMÁN - SZEŐKE LÁSZLÓ - NYIRŐ MIKLÓS: Results of the investigations on the Lepidoptera fauna of the eastern Bakony MTS

FOLIA MUSEI HISTORICO-NATURALIS BAKONYIENSIS A BAKONYI TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI MÚZEUM KÖZLEMÉNYEI 7—1988 RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS ON THE LEPIDOPTERA FAUNA OF THE EASTERN BAKONY MTS. DR. KÁLMÁN SZEÖKE — f LÁSZLÓ SZEÖKE Székesfehérvár DR. MIKLÓS NYÍRÓ Várpalota ABSTRACT: Results of the investigations on the Lepidoptera fauna of the Eastern Bakony Mts. - The authors have identified 84-5 moth species in the Eastern-Bakony during their 20-25 year-old research, They have been working on 28 different collecting places. Most of the species have been found in the area of Balinka and Varpalota. Data of their research confirms and completes the research of Fazekas in Királyszállás (1980a). The lepidopterological studies on the fauna of the Bakony Mts. /Fig.l/ were greatly intensified in connection with the research programme initiated by the Bakony Museum, Veszprém in the end of the sixties this century /PAPP 1966/. Before the beginning of this programme only some data of few lepi- j dopterological collectings were known, namely Barkóczy /in the vicinity of j Sümeg at 1950-55, published by SZŐCS 1968/, TALLOS /Northern Bakony Mts. 1958, 1963/ and NYIRŐ /Várpalota, 1965/ published data of their material. During the sixties have started their work Dietzel /in the surroundings of Herend/ and L. and K. Szeőke /in the eastern part of the Mountains/. In 1967 was joined in thi,s programme Rézbányai, his results were published in a series of papers /REZBANYAI 1973, 1979a,b,c, 1980, 1981, 1983/. Further important data can be found in worljs of DIETZEL /1973/, FAZEKAS /1980a,b/, SZÉCSÉNYI /1981/ and HERCZIG, BÜRGÉS and RONKAY /1981/. The authors have been working on the lepidopterological exploration of the Eastern Bakony Mts. /Fig. 2./ for twenty five /Nyiro/ or twenty /K. and L. Szeoke/ years ; Nyirő mainly in the vicinity of Várpalota, Inota and Pét while K. and L. Szeőke in the other parts of the region. The oldest data from Várpalota were published by BORDÁN /1930/ on the basis of his collec­tings in the years 1927-30. The remnants of his collection and his manu­scripts can be found in the Bakony Múzeum. In the Fauna Regni Hungáriáé /ABAFI-AIGNER, UHRYK and PAVEL, 1896/ did not mentioned any data from the Eastern Bakony Mts, and Kovács in his famous work /KOVÁCS 1953-56/ published only data of some species from Öskü and Fehérvárcsurgé. Further data are known from the collecting of Lengyel and Jablonkay in I96I and I963 /LEN­GYEL 1964/; later PAPP /1968/ and SZEOKE /1976, 1982, 1983, 1984/ published lists from this area. On the basis of the material of the light trap opera­ted at Kirélyszállás in 1975-76, Fazekas listed 564 species /FAZEKAS 1980a/. Recently - beside the authors - L. Ábrahám /in the surrounding of Dudar/ and F. Sebők /Várpalota/ are studying the>lepidopterous fauna of the Eastern Bakony Mts. Idaea elongaria pecharia STGR. The nominate race of this species distributed in the southern part of the Palaearctic, the subspecies pecharia occurs in Transcaspia and Soviet Middle Asia. Previously it was published from Hungary from Budapest, Gö­döllő and Pécs /KOVÁCS 1965/, recently was discovered in the Mátra Mta.: Kőkútpuszta /JABLONKAI 1974/ and in the Villányi Mts. /UHERKOVICH 1976/. We found it in the Eastern Bakony Mts, on the Fajdas-hegy in 1.IX. 1984. Nothocasis sertata HBN. We have some sporadic data of the occurrence of this species from the Hun­ear ian Middle Mountains as follows: Bakony Mts. 'KOVÁCS 1953/, Börzsöny Mts. /KOVÁCS, 1956/ Zemplén Mta. /RONKAY-SZABÓKY, 1981/ Vértes Mts.

