Fodor György - Török József - Tusor Péter (szerk.): Felekezetek az Igazság szolgálatában: történelem, teológia, önazonosság (1500-2000) - Studia Theologica Budapestinensia 34. (2009)

I. Catholic-Orthodox symbiosis in Transylvania (Katolikus-ortodox együttélés Erdélyben) - Ioan Chirila: Tolerance and intolerance in t he Transylvanian legislative corpora (the 16th-19th centuries)

legislation is to be seen also in the compulsoriness of the Vlach priests who came from other countries to present themselves, to­gether with the archpriest/bishop before the local authorities, a ges­ture which underlines their submission to these.13 14 In the same depreciative and inimical stile, the Vlachs are forbidden to prescribe rules for the Hungarian nation or to annoy somebody with their claims of observing the holidays and the resting days by not working, these claims being considered improper to their inferior status.14 The most persecuted segment of the Transylvanian orthodoxy is the monasticism, declared forbidden and left at the free disposal of the coun­try and of the princes, these having the right to remove it com­pletely.15 3. Restrictive decisions regarding the manifestations of the Romanians in the cultural life and in administration The freedom of the Romanians from Transylvania was restricted by the Hungarian authorities regarding not only the religious mani­festations, but also the cultural-administrative ones. In Church and in school, the only spheres of the common life in which Romanians thought that their freedom of national development is still pro­tected, the Hungarian language was introduced, moreover, having 13 See Aprobale el compitale, the eighth Title: About the Vlach priests, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 471: “The Vlach priests who come from another country should be obliged to present themselves before the archpriest, and this or the bishop is obliged to bring them before the authorities of that place for investigation, and after the investigation is dome, the local authorities must report this to the prince”. 14 See Aprobale el compilate, the ninth Title, About Vlachs, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 472: “Al­though the Vlach nation has been allowed in this country for the public welfare, yet, overlooking llieir inferior slale, they have hindered some nobles, sons of the country, to give permission to work during their holyclays. Therefore, it has been decided that the Vlachs cannot prescribe rules for the Hungarian nation and, in the future, there are not allowed to disturb anybody for such reasons”. 15 See Aprobale el compilate, the third Title: About monks, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 538: “Con­sidering the fact that the religion of the Vlach nation is not one among the four religiones receptae, ...liait category whose members are called monks is not allowed, on the contrary, it has been forbidden. Therefore it is left at the free disposal of the country and of the princes the fuel that, when they consider it necessary, this category nmy be completely removed". 19

