Fodor György - Török József - Tusor Péter (szerk.): Felekezetek az Igazság szolgálatában: történelem, teológia, önazonosság (1500-2000) - Studia Theologica Budapestinensia 34. (2009)

I. Catholic-Orthodox symbiosis in Transylvania (Katolikus-ortodox együttélés Erdélyben) - Ioan Chirila: Tolerance and intolerance in t he Transylvanian legislative corpora (the 16th-19th centuries)

identified with the nation of the Vlachs, a nation which was not counted among states and religions in this country, because it was not considered as a religio recepta. The assertion is evident, their status is that of being tolerated, at the hand of the Hungarian authorities.8 The enuncia­tion of the legislative text in its integrity gives us the impression that the masters of this land are, by law, the Hungarians and not the orthodox Romanians. In this way, it is said about the Vlach na­tion which has been allowed in this country for the public welfare. The consideration granted by the Hungarian authorities to the Vlachs is clearly expressed by underlining their inferior state, which the Vlachs seem to overlook.9 An emphasis is given to the idea that the rights of the Vlachs are restricted because of the fact that their religion is not one of the four religiones receptae.10 But the hostile attitude of the Hungarian authorities is felt not only at the level of expression, but also in the restrictive character of the laws concerning the religious manifestation of the Romanians. At this level, we may see that the lawgiver identifies the nation with the confession and, likewise, he uses a hostile language, inadequate for a legislative act. derstand those who hdong to the Vlacli or the Greek sect, who are, for a period, toler­ated, as long as the prince and the inhabitants of the country will find this acceptable”. 8 See Aprobate et compilate, the eighth Title: About the Vlach priests, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1970, no. 7-9, p. 471: “Al­though the nation of the Vlachs was not counted in this country either among states or among religions, being not a religio recepta, yet, for the welfare of the country, as long as they are tolerated, the Vlach church orders should submit themselves to this...”. 9 See Aprobate el compilate, the ninth Title, About Vlachs, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 472: “Al­though the Vlach nation has been allowed in this country for the public welfare, yet, overlooking their inferior slide, they have hindered some nobles, sons of the country, to give permission to work during their holydays. Therefore, it has been decided that the Vlachs cannot prescribe rules for the Hungarian nation and, in the future, there are not allowed to disturb anybody for such reasons”. 10 See Aprobate et compilate, the third Title: About monks, the first Article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 538: “Con­sidering the fact that the religion of the Vlach nation is not one among the four religiones receptae... that category whose members are called monks is not al­lowed, on the contrary, it has been forbidden”. 17

