Fodor György - Török József - Tusor Péter (szerk.): Felekezetek az Igazság szolgálatában: történelem, teológia, önazonosság (1500-2000) - Studia Theologica Budapestinensia 34. (2009)

I. Catholic-Orthodox symbiosis in Transylvania (Katolikus-ortodox együttélés Erdélyben) - Ioan Chirila: Tolerance and intolerance in t he Transylvanian legislative corpora (the 16th-19th centuries)

have already very clear documents destined to rule the area of the religious life, too. I do not want to characterize them or to give them attributes, my wish is to identify the elements which belong to the environment of the realization of the religious freedom/toler- ance and to discern the very motives of the Romanians’ attitude re­garding the movements of political emancipation, regarding the de­fining of the religious freedom/tolerance of the others. The Hungarian legislation and the religious freedom of the Romanians of Transylvania. We do not intend to give a full account of this mat­ter - it would be impossible for now - therefore, we specify that this exposition is a case study and it might have a certain coefficient of subjectivity. I. Aprobate et Compilate Among the Hungarian legislative structures we identify some laws which manifest a hostile attitude toward Romanians, an atti­tude which, in the “strict logic”, would rather generate the applica­tion of the law of talion. And yet, the Romanians didn’t understand in this way the process of constituting the religious freedom/toler- ance. They are not in search of the social law, they assert the “illogi­cal character” of the revelation. 1. Hostile language (hostile attitude) The approved constitutions of the Transylvania Country and of the Partium Hungáriáé contain a series of utterances which under­line the perception, from the standpoint of the Hungarian legisla­tion, of Romanians and their faith. Romanians are identified as be­longing to the Vlach or the Greek sect, whose existence is only tolerated by the local authorities.7 Moreover, the Transylvanian orthodoxy is 7 See Aprobate. el compilate, the first Title: About the problems regarding religions, the third article, in “Mitropolia Ardealului”, an XXI, July-September 1976, no. 7-9, p. 464: “...if someone would like to communicate the desired according to the Holy Scripture regarding the building of churches, it is allowed as follows, that he is obliged to debate with the ordinary parochial assembly, and to subject to the examination of the ordinary assembly both himself and his opinions. If the magistrates and the leader who is beyond religions find them useful and need­ful... than they will be put into operation; on the contrary, if the propose is not validated, than those opinions will be forbidden... Among these we do not un­ió

