Folia Theologica 19. (2008)

Szuromi Szabolcs Anzelm: Outlines of the medieval concordatary Law between 1122 and 1418

OUTLINES OF THE MEDIEVAL 307 2. When Pope Innocent III14 ascended the papal throne in 1198 both the politic of the house of Hohenstauf, and the league which existed be­tween the emperor and South-Italy were a serious problems which had to be dealt with. Naples and Sicily bound only apparently to the Holy See and the territory of the Papal State was also quickly decreasing by the German attacks. Pope Innocent III restored the papal surveil­lance in Rome and he intended to same restoration in the whole ter­ritory of the Papal State too. Ravenna, Ancona, Romagna, Toscana recognized the prerogatives of the Roman Pontiff.15 In the same time, the Pope became the administrator of Sicily as trustee of Frederick II, and as a result Sicily could get back again under the papal supremacy. Moreover, the Pope made an agreement with Philippe of Seville in May of 1203.16 Pope Honorius III (1216-1227)17 arranged also several 14 Tillmann, H., Innozenz III, Bonn 1954. Cf. Landau, P., Innocenz III. und die Dekretalen seiner Vorgänger, in Sommerlechner, A. (ed.), Innocenzo III. Urbs et Orbis (Atti del Congresso Intemazionale, Roma, 9-15 settembre 1998), Ro­ma 2003.175-199. 15 Comdorelli, O., Unum corpus, diversa capita. Modelli di organizzazione e cura pastorale per una «varietas ecclesiarum» (secoli XI-XV) [I libri di Erice 29], Roma 2002. 61-69; cf. Szuromi, Sz. A., The Constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) according to its Theological, Canonical and Historical Aspects, in Rivista intemazionale di diritto comune 15 (2004) 185-199, especially 185-187. 16 (...) Insuper pro pace et amicitia inter me et dominum apostolicum semper servanda et omnia mala susceptione auferenda, ut ipse semper michi sit be­nignissimus pater et ego ei fidelissimus et obtimus filius, filiam meam nepoti eius in coniungium dabo et alias vel alios de cognatione mea secun­dum voluntatem suam generi suo copulari faciam. - De omnibus excessi­bus meis ad mandatum et voluntatem domini apostolid Deo et ecclesie plene satisfaciam. - Hec etiam in presentia domini episcopi Constancie et domini Martini prioris Camaldulensium et domini Ebirhardi abbatis de Salem et domini Petri abbatis de Burgo sancti Sepulcri et fratris Oddonis de Salem presentium latoris, Hainrici dapiferi de Wulpurc, Hainrici de Smalenegge, Hainrici marescalci de Bapinham, Helfend notarii me frac­turum et observatorum bona fide et sine omni fraude iuravi. Mercati, A. (ed.), Racolta di concordati, 1.37. 17 Seppelt, F.X., Geschichte der Päpste von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, III. München 1956. 390-411. Boyle, L., The «compilatio Quinta» and the registers of Honorius III, in Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 8 (1978) 9-19.

