Folia Theologica 11. (2000)

Eugene Csocsan de Váralja: The Just Income Distribution

THE JUST INCOME DISTRIBUTION 133 ragesimo anno) “We have not satisfied social justice, until we had not made possible to the workers to save a modest property in order to pre­vent wide-spread (universal) poverty” (Divini Redemptoris).77 78 It has to be pointed out, that already in 1863 the Bishop of Mainz, Wilhelm Emmanel Frieherr von Ketteler has proposed to establish “Pro­duktiv-Assotiationen” in which the worker becomes also entrepreneur. In 78 this way he could receive from the profits in addition to his wages. Finally it ought to be stressed that according to the Con sempre in a state capitalism “under the oppression of the state ... the lack of freedom might bring even heavier consequences, as it is shown and proved by ex­perience.”79 However the encyclical Divini Redemptoris ascribes very important role to the state: “The measures of the state must be such, that they could reach the big capitalists, who control enormous fortunes, and who might increase these to the detriment of the common good.”80 1931, (a. XXIII), pagel98. 77 Divini Redemptoris AAS 1937 (a XXIX), page 92. 78 “A produktív társulatok lényegét a munkásoknak magában az üzletben való részvételénél ismertük meg. Azokban a munkás üzleti vállalkozó és munkás is egyszersmind, s ezért kettős része van a jövedelemben: a munkabér és a tulajdonképeni üzleti nyereség osztalékja .......Szükségtelen itt jobban bebi­zonyítani a produktív társulatok nagy becsét a munkásosztály helyzetének javítására...részvétünket és támogatásunkat a legnagyobb mértékben megérdemli. (The essence of the productive societies could be learned in the participation of the workers in the business. In these the worker is both en­trepreneur and worker is at the same time, and therefore he has double share in the income: wages and share in the profit... It is not necessary to prove it here further the great importance of the productive societies for the improve­ment of the working class(e)s’ situation....It deserves our participation and support.)” KETTELER, Wilhelm Emmanuel Freiherr von: Die Arbeiterfrage und das Christentum, Mainz 1863. In Hungarian: A munkások kérdése és a kereszténység, translated by Gyula Katinszky, Eger 1864 (!), page 105. 79 Che questa servitu derivi dal prepotere del capitale privato o dal potere dello Stato, 1’effetto non muta; sotto lapressione di uno Stato, ehe tutto domina e regola Tintera vita pubblica e privata, penetrando fino nel campo delle con- cezioni e persuasioni e della coscienza, questa mancanza di liberta pu6 avere consequenze ancora più gravose, come Tesperienza manifesta e testimonia. Con "sempre 24th December 1942, AAS 1943 (a.XXXV), page 17 80 At in id suscepta a rei publicae moderatoribus consilia eiusmodi sane esse debent ut revera ad eos pertineant, qui opibus copiisque affluant, et easdem cotidie in proximorum grave detrimentum adaugeant. Divini Redemptoris, AAS 1937 (a. XXIX.) page 104.

