Folia Theologica et Canonica 11. 33/25 (2022)


RECENSIONS 259 the proposals for a change in the discipline (pp. 145-184); and the guidelines to be found in the documents of the Holy See of this period (pp. 185-204). Part Three sets out the key issues raised in four chapters. In these, the content of Familiaris consortio (1980) is presented (pp. 207-220); the current canon law regulations on the receiving of the sacraments by divorced and remarried believers (pp. 221-244); the positions of Pope John Paul II and the various Dicasteries, which were issued after the Familiaris consortio, concerning the analyzed question (pp. 245-278); and the documents which were promulgated by the Supreme ecclesiastical authority during the time of Pope Benedict XVI, including the text of the Milan World Meeting of the Family (2012) [pp. 279- 294], The author concludes, after a rich analysis that has adequately considered both the content of the most important magisterial documents and the opinions of the various theological and canonical schools, that the close intrinsic rela­tionship between the indissolubility of marriage and the Eucharist, and the direct implications of the violation of the conjugal bond for the receiving of the Eucharist, are clearly evident from both theological and canonical points of view. It is therefore necessary to offer to the faithful in such a situation the salvific teaching of the Gospel, the true path of conversion and growth in faith, which, in the midst of their weakness, will help them to conform their lives to the will of God, as well as to the good of the Church and the salvation of souls (pp. 295-302). The volume concludes with a detailed bibliography (pp. 303- 316). Miguel Benito Pascual’s work highlights in particular the problems which faced within the sacramental life of the civilly divorced and remarried per­sons, especially in the context of receiving the Blessed Eucharist. The argu­ments which set out in this volume make it clear that in order to restore daily sacramental life, it is necessary to reconcile sacramental marriage before the Church and before God. This balanced interpretation is a great help for the correct understanding and application of the chapter 8 of the Amoris laetitia and the related letter Recibi el escrito apostoli (September 5th 2016), as well as the Rescriptum on the same subject, published on June 5th 2017. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem.

