Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)
Ius canonicum
MANTADORY REPORTING LEGISLATION AND THE SEAL OF CONFESSION... 85 The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church72 in Ireland in association with the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Association of Leaders and Missionaries and Religious in Ireland issued the guidelines73 or “Vademecum” in 2020 deals with the prevention and reporting of child abuse. If the child abuse happens in the external forum, the “Vademecum” provides the guidelines and forms of reporting. In case that penitent discloses abuse during the Confession (internal forum) the Code of Canon Law (c. 964) and following procedures apply for the Confessor: In the case of an abused penitent who is a child: a. Sensitively reassure the child or young person that they were right to tell you; b. Remind them that whatever is disclosed in Confession will not be repeated outside the confessional by the confessor; c. The confessor should encourage the child or young person to disclose the abuse to an adult they trust (e.g. a relative, teacher, friend) and to have that person report the abuse; d. If the penitent expresses a wish to discuss this issue outside the confessional, make it clear to them that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed regarding issues of child abuse once outside the confessional. The confessor should then follow the procedures outlined in Guidance 2.1 A.74 (to be continued) Goran Jovicic St. Patrick’s Seminary & University Menlo Park, California goran.jovicic@stpsu. edit Abstract The paper on Mandatory reporting legislation and the seal of confession in light of the prevention of abuse and protection of religious freedom is divided into two articles. In the first article (published in the curren t cycle of the Folia), author investigates the mandatory reporting legislations in United States, 12 See the Irish Safeguarding Commission Website here: who-we-are (consulted: 11.6.2021). 73 Ibid, here: (consulted: 11.6.2021). 74 See the Vademecum Guidelines here: in: Standard%202.pdf (consulted: 11.6.2021).