Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)

Ius canonicum

64 PÉTER ERDŐ The inapplicability of the model of the absolute monarchy is also illustrated by another theocratic element of the Church’s constitution, namely the episco­pal collegiality. This principle was specifically highlighted by the Second Vati­can Council. In fact, the consecration of a bishop is not merely ‘feudal author­ity’ abstracted from the church governance, mediator of the potestas ordinis, rather it bestows the ‘sole sacred power’ (una sacra potestas), to which the power of governmental authority belongs in some way. Nevertheless - pre­cisely to avoid the historical traps of conciliarism and Episcopalianism - the Council itself emphasized in a preliminary explanatory remark to Lumen gen­tium that the authority of governance conferred by ordination can be de facto exercised exclusively on the basis of a canonical apostolaié14. Slightly differs from all these factors the role of that theologically grounded phenomenon which has more recently been referred to as synodality. In what follows, we will examine how synodality as described in the document of the International Theological Commission published on March 2nd 2018 con­tributes to the prevalence of the theocratic principles in the constitution of the Church. II. Synodality and the workings of the Holy Spirit 1. The concept of synodality Synodality has been in use in ecclesiastical terminology for only a few decades. Its meaning also varies in Eastern15 and Western theological documents, more­over it carries differing meanings within the writings of the various authors16. 14 Conc. Vat. II, Const, dogm. Lumen gentium, Nota explicativa praevia, n. 2. 15 Cf. Müller, L., Synodale Leitungsorgane im Ostkirchenrecht, in Gerosa, L. - Demel, S. - Krämer, P. - Müller, L. (Hrsg.), Patriarchale und synodale Strukturen in den katholischen Ostkirchen (Kirchenrechtliche Bibliothek 3), Münster 2001.141-168. Hallensleben, B. (Hrsg.), Einheit in Synodalität. Die offiziellen Dokumente der Orthodoxen Synode auf Kreta 18. bis 26. Juni 2016, Münster 2016. Szabó, P. (ed.), Primacy and Synodality. Deepening Insights. Pro­ceedings of the 23rd Congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches, Debrecen, September 3-8, 2017 (Kanon XXV), Nyíregyháza 2019. 16 Cf. Witsch, N., Synodalität auf der Ebene der Diözese. Die Bestimmungen des universalkirch­lichen Rechts der Lateinischen Kirche, Paderborn 2004. 20-23. For the different meanings of the word, see also idem, Synodalität, in v. Campenhausen, A. - Riedel-Spangenberger, I. - Sebott, R. (Hrsg.), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Staatskirchenrecht, III. Paderborn 2004. 642-644. Gerosa, L., Rechtstheologische Grundlagen der Synodalität in der Kirche. Einleitende Erwä­gungen, in Aymans, W. -Geringer, K-Th. (Hrsg.), Iuri Canonico Promovendo. Festschrift für Heribert Schmitz zum 65. Geburtstag, Regensburg 1994. 35-55. La synodalité. La participation au gouvernement dans l’Eglise. Actes du VIP congrés international de Droit canonique. Paris, Unesco, 21-28 septembre 1990 (L'Année Canonique. Hors série, I—II), Paris 1992. Santos, M. A., Sinodalidad, in Otaduy, J. - Viana, A. - Sedano, J. (dir.), Diccionario General de De­­recho Canonico (hereafter: DGDC), VII. Pamplona 2012. 341-345.

