Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)


302 RECENSIONS zsolozsmaszövegének közlése [Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár Ms. I. 313], pp. 240-259) and Zoltán Kovács (Letter by Abbot John III of Niederaltaich - III. János niederaltaichi apát levele, pp. 266-268). This unit also includes a short source note by Kinga Körmendy (Mihály Zákonyi’s librarian’s work report of 1929 Zákonyi Mihály 1929. évi könyvtárosi munkajelentése, pp. 260- 265). The commemorative volume opens with a dedication by Cardinal Péter Erdő (p. 7) and an introductory overview by Kinga Körmendy (pp. 8-16). It concludes with the original place and date of publication of each study (p. 269) and a list of images (pp. 270-288). The rich content of the volume sufficiently demonstrates that the work, en­titled Libri diversi magni et parvi, is particularly important for the history of literature culture in Esztergom and for a better understanding of the history of the Hungarian church and learning culture, especially in the period up to 1543. Thus, the volume is a worthy summary of the irreplaceable scholarly work in codicology, literature and church history that Kinga Körmendy has done over the last fifty years. On the other hand, through the studies of her co­authors, it provides a careful, precise, up-to-date, thorough and comprehen­sive picture of the history of the collections of the Esztergom Arch-Cathedral Library and the medieval book culture of Esztergom. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. Taban Al-Mousawi, T. Z. - Kadim Al-Amery, A. J. (ed.), Jesus Christ in Islamic Perception. A Deatailed Study of Muslim - Christian Coexist­ence Through the Holy Quran and Islamic Heritage (transl. Naethel Naama, A. - Yaseen Hassan, A.), Al-Kut University College - Al-Nisour University College, Al-Kut 2019, pp. 108 In the last decade, and especially in the last five years, an increasing number of works in sociology, jurisprudence, religious studies and theology have been published that attempt to present and analyze the doctrine of Islam in a com­parative way. Similarly, a number of research-institutes and universities are dedicated research programs to the possible foundations of dialogue between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. However, the research and publications car­ried out so far have not placed sufficient emphasis on a deeper understanding of Muslim theological perspectives, and therefore the scientific results have not been able to present with sufficient objectivity the different or even identi­cal interpretations of the theological issues according to different approaches. It was precisely to deal with this methodological problem that Talib Zydan Taban Al-Mousawi, then Rector of Kut University College and Prof. Anzelm

