Folia Theologica et Canonica 10. 32/24 (2021)

Sacra theologia

FOLIA THEOLOGICA ET CANONICA (2021) 49-58 Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem. THE ROLE OF PATRISTIC AND MEDIEVAL SOURCES IN THE REVIVAL OF THE CANONS REGULAR’ COMMUNITIES IN THE 11th- 12th CENTURIES* Introduction; I. Chapters of Canons Regular; II. The Vita mixta as Principle of Canons Regular’ Way of Life; III. Centralized Activity of the Orders of Canons Regular; Con­clusion Keywords: canonical way of life; St. Rule of St. Augustine; Norbertine communities, vita mixta, abbot general, general chapter Introduction “(•••) Sola nobilitas spritualis generis sanctitas est religiosae conversationis” - emphasizes Adam Scot, Abbot of Dryburgh, preacher and spiritual writer (t 1213/1214), who followed the thought of St. Augustine’s theological works in his writing, entitled De tripartito tabernaculo.' In the last two decades, the formation of diocesan* 1 2 and religious chapters and the analysis of their func­tional characteristics have once again become the focus of research in ecclesi­astical history, institutional history, monasteriology, history of spirituality and canon law.3 At the same time, the medievalist, municipal, educational and eco­nomic history researches have been intensified too, up to the reconsideration * This paper is the enlarged English version of my Hungarian presentation of Gödöllő (September ll,h 2020), dedicated to the 900"' Anniversary Jubilee Year of the Norbertine Order. It was writ­ten in the British Library (London, UK), in the Cambridge University Library (Cambridge, UK), in the Collegio S. Norberto (Rome), and in the Wilmington Community of the St. Michael s Abbey of the Norbertine Fathers (Los Angeles, CA). 1 Migne, J.-P. (ed.), Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina, I-CCXXI. Lutetiae Parisiorum 1844-1864 (hereafter: PL) CXCVIII. 610. 2 For a summary of the results of recent research in Hungary, cf. Thoroczkay, G., A középkori magyar egyház intézménytörténetének egyes kérdései az elmúlt évtizedek kutatásainak tükré­ben, in Thoroczkay, G. (ed.), Püspökök, káptalanok, tizedek (Az Árpád- és Anjou-kor magyar egyházi archontológiájának kérdései 1), Pécs 2020. 39-49, especially 44-47. 3 Cf. e.g., Grassl, W., Culture of Place: An Intellectual Profile of the Premonstratensian Order, Nordhausen 2012.

