Folia Theologica et Canonica 9. 31/23 (2020)


FOLIA THEOLOGICA ET CANONICA (2020) 361-394 SYSTEMATIC REPERTORY OF THE FOLIA THEOLOGICA (SINCE 1990) AND OF THE FOLIA CANONICA (SINCE 1998) THEN OF THE FOLIA THEOLOGICA ET CANONICA (SINCE 2012) (1990-2020) [composed by Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem.] The international annual theological review of the Catholic Theological Fa­culty of Budapest was established in 1990 under the title: Folia Theologica (vols. 1-22), printed by the Márton Áron Editing House, then the New Man (Új Ember) Editing House, finally, by the St. Stephan Society Editing House. The international annual canon law review Folia Canonica in 1998 (vols. 1-14) - two years later when the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis” (Budapest) has been erected by the Apostolic Holy See - was founded for that purpose to publish high-standard canon law studies, both Occidental and Oriental. These afore-mentioned two sacred-science reviews were combined in 2012 under the title Folia Theologica et Canonica (vols. I-IX). This Repertory follows the systematic order of the disciplines of sacred sciences, and regarding canon law is arranged according to the structure of the current Code of Canon Law, supplemented with the theological and historical aspects of canon law, ecclesiastical law, and Eastern canon law (twenty-four categories). The publications organized into alphabetical order by authors within the particular scientific field. If an article fits into different categories, the entire bibliographical description can be found at the very first appearance, then - regarding the other fields - the abbreviated form is indicated with ref­erence to the categorie of the first appearance. I. Old Testament Barbieri, E., Panorama delle traduzioni bibiche in volgare prima del concilio di Trento (Parte I), in FTh 8 (1997) 169-198. Barbieri, E., Panorama delle traduzioni bibliche in volgare prima del concilio di Trento (Parte II), in FTh 9 (1998) 89-110. Benyik, Gy., Hungarian Bible Translation, in FTh 9 (1998) 213-243. Bohle, G., 7ur traditiongeschichte von Psalm 51 prophetische Verkündigung und Kult­ausübung warden zum Gebet, in FTh 9(1998) 111-122. Fehér, T„ Qohelet 5,17-19, in FTh 20 (2009) 59-82. Kocsis, I., Der Einfluss von Dan 7 auf die Johannes-Offenbarung, in FThC III (25/17) [2014] 27-40. Kocsis, L, Die christologische Interpretation von Gen 2,7 in IKor 15,44b-49, in FThC II (24/16) [2013] 9-24.

