Folia Theologica et Canonica 6. 28/20 (2017)

IUS CANONICUM - Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Historical development of the aggravating and extenuating circumstances in the canonical penal law

250 SZABOLCS ANZELM SZUROMI, O.PRAEM. St. Thomas Aquinas (ti274) in the Summa Theologiae makes a clear dis­tinction between the inner (interior) and external (exterior) act, moreover he emphasizes regarding both of them the working of the will {voluntas), because it makes the act a “human act” (actus humánus).53 It explains the extenuating meaning of the “ignorantia” and the “culpa”, but also of the minor age (minor aetas), the case which was legitimated by guardian (causa legitimate tutelae), the grave or serious fear {metus gravis)54, and of antecedent passion (passió ante­cedens)55. About the act of a minor already Ulpianus (f228) indicates (Dig. 47.10.3) that cannot be "trespass” (iniuria), because the will (voluntas) is not entirely matured for work (non capax).56 Therefore, as the children (infans) are considered entirely incapable to do trespass, the minor is not entirely - i.e. li­mited - capable to make a responsible - well deliberated - act. This argument had taken place in the Decretum Gratiani (i.e. C. 15 q. 1 c. 2)57 and had made effect on the title of “De delictis puerorum” of the Liber Extra (X 5. 23. 1-2)58. The adjudication is similar on those acts when a ward (pupillus) does some trespass under legitimate “guardianship” (tutela)59. 2. Aggravating circumstances (De causis quae dolum augent) According to the CIC Can. 1326 § 1 the aggravating circumstances - as com­pared with the extenuating circumstances - do not cause obligation for the judge while he considers the perpetrator’s act, but make legal basis to sanction it with augmented punishment.60 It is similar to the regulation of the CIC (1917) Can. 53 Cf. I—II q. 71 a. 6: (...) Quod autem aliquis actus sit humánus, habet ex hoc quod est voluntarius (...) sive sit voluntarius quasi a voluntate elicitus, ut ipsum velie et eligere, sive quasi a volun- tate imperatus, ut exteriores actus vei locutionis vei operationis (...). S. Thomae Aquinatis, Summa Theologiae (Biblioteca de autores cristianos 466), Madrid 1952. II. 475. 54 D. 50 c. 32: Friedberg I. 191-192; C. 15 q. 6 c. 2: Friedberg I. 755; C. 22 q. 5 cc. 1, 3: Fried­berg I. 883; X 1.40. 5: Friedberg II. 220; X 5. 41.4: Friedberg II. 927. 55 D. 50cc.39,43: Friedberg I. 194-195,196;X5. 12.6: FriedbergII.794-796;X 5. 39.3: Frjed- berg II. 890. 56 Dig. 47.10.3: Illud relatum peraeque est eos, qui iniuriam pati possunt, et facere posse. Sane sunt quidam, qui facere non possunt, ut puta furiosus et inpubes, qui doli capax non est: namque hi pati iniuriam soient non facere (...). Mommsen li. 772. 57 C. 15 q. 1 c. 2: Illud relatum perque est, eos, qui iniuriam pati possunt, et facere posse. Sane sunt quidam, qui facere non possunt, utpota furiosus, et impubes, qui doli capax non est. Namque hi pati iniuriam soient, non facere (...). Friedberg I. 746. 58 Friedberg II. 824-825. 59 Clem. 5. 4. un.: Friedberg II. 1184. Cf. Cone. Tiridentinum, Sesio XIV (25 nov. 1551) Dottri­na de sanctissimis poenitentuae et extremae unctionis sacramentis, Decretum de reformatione, Can. 7: Conciliorum oecumenicorum decretal. Bologna 1973.' (hereafter: COD) 717. 60 CIC Can. 1326 - § 1. Iudex gravius punire potest quam lex vel praeceptum statuit (...).

