Folia Theologica et Canonica 5. 27/19 (2016)
270 RECENSIONS beatification, the canonization and the importance of miracles (pp. 232-236), nevertheless, I would like to mention here the veneration of relics, which still have a strong influence on the daily prayerful life of faithful. This part of Prof. Szuromi’s new book through this precise explanation enlightens a very special area of the Catholic doctrinal and disciplinary teaching which is unfortunately not frequently considered in the current canonical scholarly works (pp. 245-249). This presented volume is introduced by the contents (pp. 9-12), the Preface (pp. 5-7), and the usual list of scientific abbreviation (pp. 13-15). For the further orientation within the indicated themes, an extensive and updated bibliography has taken place at the end of the book (pp. 249-279). Professor Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi’s new book - which was published in the Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici series - gives balanced and moderated overview on the doctrine and discipline of the Catholic Church. Thanks to the up-to-date chapters and the very clear presentation of every theme, this new volume is an effective contribution to understanding of the independent law system of the Catholic Church Rita Ferenczy Erdő, Péter, Jog az Egyház hagyományában és életében, Szent István Társulat. Budapest 2016, pp. 488 S. Em.a Peter Erdő, Cardinal and Primate of Hungary, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest composed his new book under the title: “Law in the tradition and the life of the Church”. He dedicated this volume for the 20,h anniversary of the Canon Law Institute “ad instar facultatis”, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (p. 5). The author has summarized recently his canon law history research in several volumes (i.e. Egyházjog a középkori Magyarországon, Budapest 2001; Die Quellen des Kirchenrechts. Eine geschichtliche Einführung I Adnotationes in ius canonicum 23], Frankfurt am Main 2002; Kirchenrecht im mittelalterlichen Ungarn. Gesammelte Studien [Aus Religion und Recht 3], Berlin 2005; Storia delle fonti de! diritto canonico [Istituto di Diritto Canonico San Pio X, Manuali 2], Venezia 2008). Moreover, he published the handbook of the present canon law system of the Catholic Church in Hungarian (i.e. 1992; 1996:; 2003’; 20 054; 20 1 45). This new book summarizes various articles on the current canon law and its historical crystallization process. The chapters give answer for several contemporary opened canonical questions. This work makes an overview on the general norms (pp. 21-146); the juridical organization of the Nation of God (pp. 149-282); the consecrational work of the Church (pp. 285- 345), the canonical penal law (349M24), and the field of the canonical process