Folia Theologica et Canonica 3. 25/17 (2014)


256 RECENSIONS 242-244) oder René Girard (Christ in der Gegenwart, 38/2014/423). - Was den letzteren Namen betrifft so kann man auf den Briefwechsel Raymund Schwa­gers mit Girard hinweisen (Herder, 2014). Kodalle hat sein Buch schon 1999 „versprochen” (vgl. Religion-Metaphysik Kritik, Berlin 2001. 276-277). Seine Zielsetzung scheint berechtigt zu sein: insofern Verzeihung in unserem Leben, in unserem Bekenntnis anwesend ist, soll auch in unserem Denken präsent sein können. Wie ich das anderen, betroffenen beibringen soll und kann, ohne die Verzeihung zu „moralisieren” oder „pädagogisieren” (vgl. 85) bleibt immer neu zu bedenken und als ein nur mühsam anzunähemdes Ziel gesteckt. Zoltán Rokay Erdő, P., Il peccato e il delitto. La relazione tra due concetti fondamenta­li alla luce del diritto canonico (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce; Monografie Giuridiche 44), Giuffrè Editore, Milano 2014, pp. 143 The meaning and interpretation of sin and crime touch such two fundamental questions which got always central position in the theoretical understanding the daily life of any form of human society and theory on the close relation bet­ween morality and law. We can confront to this inseparable bond particularly when the concordance of these two fields disappear as effect of disintegration of classical categories within our epoch, geographical and cultural environ­ment. This type of cultural disintegration and declining of the reflected human moral and legal perception appear again and again in the human history and these epoch - the unclarified understanding - sign well how extraordinary im­portant to dedicate detailed scientific analysis to the meaning and relation of sin (peccatum) and crime (delictum) in any epoch, even now. Peter Card. Erdő, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest Archdiocese, has focused on this particular question of his new Italian work. He intends to describe and elucidate those principles which are the bases of the aforemen­tioned unique relation in the canon law sciences. Card. Erdő uses rich biblical and canonical sources, moreover canonical science historical observations from different centuries to enlighten the doctrine and discipline of the Catholic Church concerning the question on sins and penalized actions. This volume’s has been published in the juridical monograph-series of the Pontificia Univer­sità della Santa Croce (Monografie Giuridiche 44). Prior this edition the text has appeared in Hungarian (Budapest 2013). Through the historical and current canonical analysis of the categories of sin and crime the author crystal-clear expresses the inseparability of these two principles in the life of the human society in any historical epoch; moreover he points out the strong bond of these categories to the peculiarities of morality

