Folia Theologica et Canonica 2. 24/16 (2013)

IUS CANONICUM - Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Gradual Promotion asa Specific Form of Provision of Ecclesiastical Office

258 SZABOLCS ANZELM SZUROMI, O.PRAEM. thedral chapter was reserved for the Roman Pontiff. In case of certain chapters the pope reserved similar prerogatives for himself in regard to the provision of the canons; however, in the older, not modified and further effective concordats the influence of secular power exerted upon the provisions of chapters could survive.43 IV. Optio And gradualis promotio In The Codified Canon Law As it is known, on the basis of both the old and the effective canon law there may be provision of an ecclesiastical office only when it has become vacant and is in vacancy.44 It was fixed down yet by CIC (1917) Can. 396 § 1 that in the case of every chapter provision of capitular dignity is reserved for the Apos­tolic See, which thus signifies a new step in relation to the above described act of Pope St. Pius X in 1908. Obviously, the Holy See could continue to give - and did give - permissions for deflection from the general orders of the Code (e.g., in regard to Hungary). But it must also not be forgotten - as József Bánk draws our attention to it45 - that the acquired rights were left intact by the regu­lation of the Code, except in case they were withdrawn in an explicit form.46 It must be noted that this same principle unchanged got its place also in the new Code of Canon Law.47 CIC (1917) Can. 396 § 2 explicitly forbids and abrogates the institution of optio that had its role in the old law, but at the same time it affixes that this does not concerns those chapters, where the founding charter contains this form of provision.48 Bánk regards this sentence as relating also to gradualis promotio49, but such a broad interpretation cannot be found either at Vermeersch50 or e.g., at Conte a Coronata.51 On one side it is certain that laws 43 Cf. The Catholic Encyclopedia (ed. Herbermann, Ch. G. et alii), I-XVI. New York 1913— 1914. III. 582. 44 CIC (1917) Can. 150; cf. Tocanel, P., Compendium praelectionum de normis generalibus et de personis in genere (Ad usum privatum Auditorum), Roma 1950. 444. CIC Can. 153 § 1; cf. Erdő, P., Egyházjog, 168. 45 Bánk, J., Egyházi jog. Az egyházi alkotmányjog alapjai, Budapest 1958. 138-139. 46 CIC (1917) Can. 4 - Iura aliis quaesita, itemque privilegia atque quae, ab Apostolica Sede ad haec usque tempora personis sive physicis sive moralibus concessa, in usu adhuc sunt nec revo­cata, integra manent, nisi huius Codicis canonibus expresse revocentur. 47 CIC Can.^. 48 CIC (1917) Can. 396 - § 2. Prohibetur optio, reprobata contraria consuetudine, sed salva funda- tionis lege. 49 Bánk, I., Egyházi jog. Az egyházi alkotmányjog alapjai, 138. 50 Vermeersch, A. - Creusen, J., Epitome iuris canonici cum commentariis ad scholas et ad usum privatum, I. Romáé 1924.2 263. 51 Conte a Coronata, M., Institutiones iuris canonici ad usum utriusque cleri et scholarum, I. Romáé 1947.3 511; cf. e.g., Cousa, A., E praelectionibus in Librum Secundum Codicis Iuris Canonici, De Personis, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1948. 192.

