Folia Theologica et Canonica 2. 24/16 (2013)

IUS CANONICUM - Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, O.Praem., Gradual Promotion asa Specific Form of Provision of Ecclesiastical Office

GRADUAL PROMOTION AS A SPECIFIC FORM OF PROVISION... 253 fact, that the listing of the kinds of provision of office according to the CIC (1917) was not to be regarded as taxatíve, for even in the very text of the previous Code we can find in explicit form - besides the above mentioned ones - “devolutio” and "optio”.9 The first is there as the law about the devolution of free conferral to the Holy See (i.e. CIC [1917] Can. 1432 § 3); and the latter is there as the possible form of provision of office recorded in the constituting charter of chapters (i.e. CIC [1917] Can. 396 § 210); and we have not even mentioned yet those other modes, which had got into the Corpus iuris canonici and together with the consequent general canonical legislation enrich those sources of law, which we can read as attached to the respective canons of CIC (1917).11 At this point we refer first of all to VI 3.4.16 and 1712, which are important even from the perspective of our present topic, as well as to the ses­sions XXIV1'' and XXV14 of the Council of Trent ( 1545-1563). II. The Peculiarity of Offices of the Chapters and their Provision It is not our task to write in details about the institutional development of cathedral chapters15, nevertheless indispensable is to mention some general canonical-historical elements about the forms of provision of office in chapters - among which gradualis promotio is only one -, to enlighten their back­ground. Within this historical background, of course, St. Chrodegang (|766) bishop of Metz takes an eminent place with his Regula Canonicorum16 that he compiled in 742; but we may mention here also the decrees of Charlemagne 9 Cf. Sipos, L, Katolikus egyházjog, Pécs 1943. 47. 10 CIC (1917) Can. 396 - § 2. Prohibitur optio, reprobata contraria consuetudine, sed salva funda- tionis lege. 11 Codex iuris canonici Pii X Pontificis Maximi iussu digestus Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus, praefatione, fontium annotatione et indice analytico-alphabetico ab. Petro Card. Gaspar- ri auctus, Typ. Pol. Vat. 1974. Cf. Gasparri, P. - Serédi, I. (ed.), Codicis iuris canonici fontes, I-IX. Romae 1923-1939. 12 Friedberg II. 1026-1027. 13 Conc. Tridentinum, Sessio XXIV (11 nov. 1563), De Reformatione, Cann. 14-16: COD 768-769. 14 Conc. Tridentinum, Sessio XXV (3-4 dec. 1563), Decretum de reformatione generali, Cap. 6: COD 787-788. 15 In more detailed form cf. e.g., Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, XII. 358-370. Plöchl, W. M., Geschichte des Kirchenrechts, I. Wien-München I960.2 350-352. Fonesca, C. D., Vescovi, capitoli cattedrali e canoniche regolari, in Vescovi e diocesi in Italia I (1990) 83-138. Picke, J., Cathédrales, collégiales et chanoines séculiers. Quelques livres récents, in Revue d’histoire ecclesiastique 86 (1991) 355-370. Szuromi, Sz. A., Szempontok a Katolikus Egyház jogrendjének működéséhez (Bibliotheca Instituti Postgradualis Iuris Canonici Universitatis Catholicae de Petro Pázmány nominatae III/13), Budapest 2010. 104-112. Szuro­mi, Sz. A., Il diritto e i doveri propri del Capitolo dei canonici. Annotazioni sul cambiamento dei compiti in un istituzione antica della Chiesa, in Folia Theologica 20 (2010) 113-124. 16 Imbert, J., Les tempes Carolingiens (741-891). L’Église: les institutions (Histoire du Droit et des Institutions de l’Eglise en Occidemt V/l), Paris 1994. 100-101.

