Folia Canonica 8. (2005)


EASTERN CANON LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY (8) 325 349 ÖRSY, L., Episcopal Collegiality Revisited, in Synod =5> [4], 27—32. 350 PARMENTIER, E., The Future of the «Community of Protestants Churches in Europe», in Synod => [4], 663—675. 351 PODMORE, C., The History and Principles of Synodical Government in the Church of England, in Synod => [4], 213—236. 352 PUZA, R., Le principe synodale et les deux types des synodes entre le Code de 1917 et le Code de 1983, in Synod [4], 647—662. 353 ROUTHIER, G., Amérique du Nord. Pratiques synodales au Canada, in Synod => [4] , 345-372. 354 ROUTHIER, G., Perspectives et dimensions d’une recherche sur la synodalité de l’Église, in Synod => [4], 91-103. 355 SCATENA, S., Per una storicisyyufone di Medellin: prime ipotesi e problemi aperti, in Synod [4], 589—646. 356 SCHULZ, G., The Local Counàl (Pomestnyj Sobor) of the Orthodox Church in Russia, Moscow 1917/18 as a Case of Synodal Decision on Synodal Structures, in Synod [4], 201-212. 357 SERRANO Blanco, L., La Asamblea conjunta en !a Espaiia del post-Concilio, in Synod => [4], 559-588. 358 TAYLOR, J., The «Council» of Act 15, in Synod => [4], 107—113. 359 VlSCHER, L., World Communions, the World Council of Churches and the Ecumenical Movement, in Synod => [4], 489—517. 360 WlJLENS, M., Coooperation of Bishops on a Supranational or Continental Level: a New Institution on the Intermedia Level?, in Synod => [4], 33—60. PARTICULAR THEMES (VII): TERRITORIALITY AND PASTORAL CARE of Orientals 361 FARIS, J., Pastoral Care of Migrants and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, in Proceedings of the CLSA 2001, 85—99. 362 MlNAMBRES, J., L'ordinamento giuridico-pastora/e della missione della Chiesa nei confronti deg/i emigrati, in Ius Ecclesiae 16 (2004) 2, 555—560. 363 ÖRÜLIK, L., Aspelti giuridici della cura pastorale dei fedeli di rito orientale nelle diocesi latine. (Spunti a partire dall’esorta^one ap. Pastores gregis), in L’esercipio => [5] , 149-159.

