Dr. Murai Éva szerk.: Parasitologia Hungarica 13. (Budapest, 1980)

Parasit. Hung. 13. 1980. Isospora wetzeli sp. n. (Protozoa: Coccidia) Found in the Common Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) Dr. László SUGÁR University of Agricultural Sciences, Game Biology Research Station, Gödöllő "Isospora wetzeli sp. n. (Protozoa: Coccidia) found in the common red fox (Vulpes vulpes L. )" - Sugár, L. - Parasit. Hung. 13. 5-6. 1980. ABSTRACT. A new intestinal coccidium is described under the name Isospora wetzeli sp. n. found in the common red fox in Hungary. Of the various intestinal coccidia found in the common red fox I sospora canivelocis was first described by WEN YON in 1923, I. vulpis by GALLI-VALERIO in 1932, Crypto­s poridium vulpis by WETZEL in 1938 and I. aprutina by MANTOVANI in 1965. In our parasitological studies, conducted during the period of 1972- 1978, the ex­amined 48 animals covered common red fox of both sexes and of various ages. All the four above-mentioned intestinal coccidia were encountered in hosts indigenous in Hungary. In seven animals coprological examinations revealed Cryptosporidium vulpis ; in the small in­testine of two foxes, which were infested with Cryptosporidium vulpis , some sporulated Iso­ spora oocysts were found. This species has been named Isospora wetzeli sp.n. after the author who first described the C. vulpis sporocyst. These oocysts are very similar to the I-sospora boughton Volk, 1938 oocysts of the Didelphis marsupialis virginiana (American opossum). Fig. 1: Isospora wetzeli sp. n. (orig. )

