Acta Papensia 2023. - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 23. évfolyam (Pápa, 2023)

2023 / 1-2. szám

-= Műhely =­Acta Papensia xxiii (2023) 1-2. szám Summary LÁSZLÓ FÜLÖP The Reformed Barber Surgeon Corporation in Pápa in 1750 Barber surgeons in the Middle Ages and in the early Modern Times dealt not only with making the human body attractive by shaving people’s faces and cutting their hair but they healed sick people as well. The two trades (barber and doctor) were separated only in the time of profes­sionalism in the i8-i9th centuries. In Pápa a developed agricultural town located in West-Hun­gary the first charter of incorporation of barber surgeons was granted by the landlord in 1608 which allowed the operation of catholic and reformed barber surgeons alike. However, corpora­tion regulation first introduced in 1660 and then renewed in 1717 and i74iforced the oath of the roman catholics upon reformed barber surgeons, which would have meant for them the denial of their faith. Besides, it imposed punishment on people who cursed (insulted the saints) and forced the members of the corporation to take part in catholic fests. So reformed barber surgeons applied to the Queen Mária Terézia in 1750 and asked for a new corporatin regulation which they could accept. Earl Ferenc Esterházy the landlord of the town was unwilling to do so, so the initiative failed. Current study describes the foundation of the barber surgeon corporation, its operation, the life of the apprentices, assistants and masters, and also the reformed corporation masters’ movement in 1750 which was won by the catholic masters temporarily. A new chapter including the edict of tolerance issued by József II began in the life of the corporation. 16

