Acta Papensia 2020. - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 20. évfolyam (Pápa, 2020)

2020 / 3-4. szám

-= Műhely a-Acta Papensia XX (2020) 3-4. SZÁM SOMOGYI 2020 = SOMOGYI Alfréd: „A bűnhődés csak most kezdődik.” = Kálvinista Szemle XCI (2020) 6. sz. 4-5. TATAI 1920 = A Tatai Református Egyházmegye 1920. május 26-án, Tatán tartott közgyűlésének jegyzőkönyve. (Egyházmegyei Levéltár, Ács.) TATAI 1921 = A Tatai Református Egyházmegye 1921. augusztus 3-án, Tatán tartott közgyűlés­ének jegyzőkönyve. (Egyházmegyei Levéltár, Ács.) TÖMÖSKÖZI 2019. = TÖMÖSKÖZI Ferenc: A szlovenszkói és kárpátaljai egyetemes református egyház önszerveződésének rövid története 1918-1923 között. =­­content/uploads/20i9/o5/ProMino-i70i-o8-Tomoskozi.pdf. [Letöltés dátuma: 2020. 04. 13.] 124-145. VARGHA 1923. = VARGHA Kálmán (szerk.): A Mezőföldi Református Egyházmegye 1920., 1921., 1922. években Balatonkenesén, Enyingen, Mezőszentgyörgyön és Lepsényben tartott négy közgyűlésének kivonatos jegyzőkönyve. Főiskolai Nyomda, Pápa, 1923. Summary Előd Szabó THE TRIANON-TRAUMA AND THE TRANSDANUBIAN REFORMED CHURCH DISTRICT The author, a calvinistic pastor and a church historian, examines the consequences of the Paris Peace Treaty ending World War I on Hungary regarding on how it influenced the system, the function and religious life of the Transdanubian Reformed Church District. The Peace Treaty of Trianon was signed by the representatives of the winning Allied Powers and Hungary on 4th June, 1920 in the Grand Trianon Palace of Versailles in consequence of which the territory of the country - regardless Croatia - decreased to its third, from 282,000 square kilometres to 93,000 square kilometres, its population cut back to 7,9 million from 18,2 million. 30,5% - 3,2 million people - of the 10,5 million inhabitants living in the disannexed areas were of Hungarian origin, and 800,000 of them belonged to the Reformed Church. The total economic loss was estimated to 62% of the total national wealth before 1918 by contemporary economists. Out of the 9 seniorates 5 suffered a territorial loss in the Transdanubian Reformed Church District. On various calculations, 73-85 thousand presbiterians found themselves in the neighbouring coun­tries (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia). István Tisza, general curator of the district, prime minister of Hungary was killed during the revolution on 31st October, 1918. Superintendent (Bishop) István Németh, a priest in Komárom was expelled by the Czech authorities at the be­ginning of August, 1919. Due to the Croatian-Italian occupation of Fiume, the priest belonging to the inner-somogy seniorate was forced to move out. Changes of borders neglecting the Wilson principles caused such social trauma which were impossible to elaborate even after the Peace Treaty became law. At he beginning of the 1920s, his most important task was to reinforce the system of the church, to ensure its chance to function and to intensify religious life. *-----------cobs-----------<• 240 s-

