Acta Papensia 2014. - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 14. évfolyam (Pápa, 2014)

2014 / 3-4.szám - Műhely - Gelencsér József: "Amikor cselédeskedtem..." Pap Erzsébet házi cselédként töltött évei

MŰHELY Acta Papensia XIV (2014) 3-4­Summary JÓZSEF GELENCSÉR „When I used to work as a servant...” (The life of Erzsébet Pap as a domestic servant) The author is a lawyer, a historian of law, a researcher of legal customs of the Hungarian farm hands. In his study, he describes the young age of a poor peasant girl, Erzsébet Pap born in 1927 Sárkeresztes (Fejér county) by using archival sources, a personal interview and the memorials written by the woman herself between 1985 and 1989. The girl worked as a servant from the age of 12 in several places. In 1939 she worked in Székesfehérvár, then she moved back home and worked for middle-class families during World War 2. She did housework inside and outside: heating, cleaning up, cooking, carrying water, feeding chick­ens, ducks, pigs, gardening etc. During the summer her labour was utilized in the field har­vests, and threshing. While working for the middle-class families, she made herself familiar with the civil values and mentality. Her experience made it possible for her to break away from the rural environment, moving and settling in the city and sending her child to schools to help his career after university graduation. » 308 «

