Acta Papensia 2002 - A Pápai Református Gyűjtemények Közleményei 2. évfolyam (Pápa, 2002)

3-4. szám - Forrásközlés - Hermann István, Ifj. : A karthauziak Pápán

Forrásközlés (Weszprem) megyei jószágait (Mezőlakon, Aszonyfalván, Matisházán, Barakonházán, Szent Péteren, Theman, Zelmezzeyn, Szent Lőrinczen, Kamondon, Becsen, Gyepsen (?), Baridon, Pápán, es az Dobay határban való szőlőmet) ezer arany értékben elzálogosítja feleségének. Azokat pedig, amelyeket ezek közül zálogban birtokol vagy saját maga vett (pápai házomat kertével, és az somloi szőlőmet) örökbe adja neki. Ezeken kívül ezer forint értékben elzálogosítja feleségének Vas megyei jószágait is (Szombathelyen, Gyakfalvan, Trestyenfalvan, Szent Györgyön, Gorban, Szent Mihályon, Also Reöneken). Feleségének hagyja arany, ezüst és más ingó javainak felét is. Mindezt azzal a kikötés­sel, hogy Zárnbó (Zambo) Sára asszonyra haláláig gondot viseljen és temettesse is el. Fennmaradási forma: XVII. századi egyszerű másolat Lelőhely: MOL R314 16. csomó Pápa város 1537-1646. 4v-5' Kiadás: — Regeszta: — SUMMARY ISTVÁN HERMÁNK Jr. The Carthusian Monks in Pápa Addenda to the history of houses and their proprietors in Pápa It has been long familiar for local historians that the monks of Lövőid (Városlőd) had pos­sessed a house in Pápa during the first half of the 16th century. The appropriate identification of the location of the building, however, has been made uncertain by the scanty documenta­tion available so far. New sources found in the Hungarian National Archives have given us an opportunity to reconstruct some circumstances of the ownership besides the exact localization of the property, which are inclosed in the appendix of this paper. The building proper, which was situated in the one-time Piac Street on the ground-plot of the Old Calvinist Church, stood exactly at 4 Main Road. The building had been bought by the Carthusians at around 1520, and the Szapolyai family — King Louis II to be more exact — donated them exemption fr om taxation for the years to come. In the course of the purchase of this ground-plot, monks were motivated by the opportunity of investment in order to keep up better contacts with the aristocratic sponsors on the one hand, and the revenue gained by renting it on the other. Upon the appearance of Turkish invaders the financial conditions of the Carthusian order changed significantly. Recruitment and unwanted loans drove them to sei the house to a citizen of Pápa, Benedek Mészáros and his children, for 85 Gold Forints in 1529. With the help of the documents inclosed here, we may try to outline the further history of proprietor­ship of the house. The descendants of Benedek Mészáros had owned the house up until 1630, when the impoverished relatives sold it to a significant citizen of Pápa, János Bicó for 135 Forints. János Bicó had not owned the house for long, since he changed it for the house owned by János Aga. Sources identified so far have directed us up to the middle of the 17th century. The later history of the ground-plot is familiar to us from the special literature due to the publications of Andrea Szabó. At the turn of the 17th and the 18th centuries, the building was bought by the Calvinist Church, and had their church built at the end of the 18th cen­tury. The significance of our investigations can be seen by the fact that we have managed to trace the proprietorship of a ground-plot back to the first decades of the 16th century, which has only been feasible in the case of our parish-church so far. 244 Acta Papensia II (2002) 3-4

