Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 96. (Budapest 2004)
CONTENTS IN MEMÓRIÁM KORSOS, Z. & VÖRÖS, J.: In memóriám Dr. Olivér György Dely (1927-2003) 5 MINERALOGY PAPP, G.: A critical review of 16-17th century reports on meteorite falls in and around the Carpathian Basin 19 BOTANY MOLNÁR, J., ERDEI, B. & HABLY, L.: The transport of leaves and fruits - a taphonomical study of leaf litter 29 KOVÁTS, D.: Some differences in morphological structure of the vegetative parts (herbage) of Sesleria heufleriana Schur and Sesleria hungarica Újhelyi (Poaceae) 51 PlFKÓ, D.: Plant types of Sándor Jávorka in the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest, IV. 63 ZOOLOGY TRASER, GY. & KONTSCHÁN, J.: First record of two Neanurinae species (Collembola) from Albania 73 HAVA, J.: Notes on Dermestidae (Coleoptera) with new synonyms and description of three new species 81 MERKL, O. & KONDOROSY, E.: Benibotarus taygetanus (Pic, 1905) in Hungary (Coleoptera: Lycidae) 97 PAPP, L.: Two new genera of the Oriental Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) 103 BUHL, P. N.: Platygastridae (Hymenoptera) from Mongolia 115