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Bunke, Zs.: Pflanzenpräparations-Methoden von Stanislaus Albach

winter.) - 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society. Szom­bathely: 19-27. 71. BÁLDI, A. (& CSÖRGŐ. T.): Fidelity of wintering great tits to roosting sites. - J. Orn. 135 (Suppl.): 138. 72. BÁLDI, A. (& CSÖRGŐ, T.): Influence of age and dominance status of male and female great tits on laying date, clutch size and egg dimensions. - Acta zool. hung. 40: 99-107. 73. BÁLDI, A. (& CSÖRGŐ, T.): Roosting site fidelity of Great Tits during winter. - Acta zool. hung. 40: 359-367. 74. BÁLDI. A. & KISBENEDEK, T: Comparative analysis of edge effect on bird and beetle communities. - Acta zool. hung. 40: 1-14. 75. BÁLDI, A. & KISBENEDEK, T: Distribution of breeding birds in fragmented reed beds. - J. Orn. 135 (Suppl): 185. 76. (CSÖRGŐ, T. &) BÁLDI. A.: A széncinege (Parus major) téli dominancia-viszonyai és területhűsége. (Social dominance and site fidelity of Great Tits (Parus major) in winter.) - 3rd Scientijic Meeting of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society. Szombathely: 28-36. BÁLDI, A.: see MOSKÁT, CS., BÁLDI, A. & MAHUNKA, S. BÁLDI. A.: see MOSKÁT, CS., BÁLDI. A. (& WALICZKY. Z.) 77. BÁLINT. ZS.: Magyarország nappali lepkéi a természetvédelem tükrében. (The butterflies of Hungary in the scope of nature conservation.) - Somogy Megyei Múz. Közi 10: 183-206. 78. BÁLINT. Zs (& FIEDLER, K.): A zefír boglárkalepke (Plebejus sephirus Frivaldszky, 1835) hernyóinak hangyaszim­biózisával kapcsolatos megfigyelések (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). (Beobachtungen zur von Ple­bejus sephirus (Frivaldszky, 1835) /Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae/.) - Jan. Parin. Múz. Evk. 38: 61-66. 79. BÁLINT. ZS. (& JOHNSON, K.): Polyommatinae Lycaenids of the Oreal Biome in the Neotropics, Part I: The Theclinae-like taxa (Lepidoptera: Lycanidae). - Acta zool. hung. 40 (2): 109-123. 80. BÁLINT. ZS. (& JOHNSON, K.): Polyommatinae Lycaenids of the Oreal Biome in the Neotropics, Part II.: The Itylos section (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Polyommatini). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 86: 53-77. 81. BÁLINT, Zs., (KERTÉSZ, A. & LUKHTANOV, V.): Obzor golubjanok podroda Plebejides Sauter, 1968 (Lepidoptera, Lycaeniae). (A survey of the subgenus Plebejides, Sauter, 1968, /Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae/.) - Ent. Oboz. 72 (4): 863-886. 82. BÁLINT. Zs. (& LAMAS, G.): Polyommatinae Lycaenids of the Oreal Biome in the Neotropics, Part III.: Descriptions of three new taxa (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). - Acta zool. hung. 40 (3): 231-240. 83. BÁLINT, Zs. (& LUY. U.): New records of Pseudolucia Nabokov, 1945 from Chile (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). - Ber. Kr. nürnb. Eni. Galathea 10 (1): 23-28. 84. BÁLINT, Zs. (& LUY, U.): Corrigendum. - Ber. Kr. nürnb. Ent. Galathea 10 (2): 56. 85. CSORBA. G: On the small mammals of North Korea. - In: LEE, BYUNG-HOON (ed.): Proc. First Korean-Hun­garian Joint Seminar on the Biota of Korea. Seoul: 133-142. 86. CSORBA, G. & TOPÁL, GY: First record and taxonomic status of Megaderma lyra from Vietnam (Mammalia, Chiroptera). - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 86: 125-132. 87. (SZÉL, Á„) CSORBA. G., (CAFTE, A. R.,) SZÉL. GY.. (RÖHLICH, P. & VAN VEEN, T.): Different patterns of retinal cone topography in two genera of rodents, Mus and Apodemus. - Cell Tissue Res. 276: 143-150. CSORBA, G.: see BÁLDI, A., BANKOVICS, A. & CSORBA, G. 88. DELY. O. GY.: In commemoration of the centenary of Géza Gyula Fejérváry's birth. - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 86: 145-151. 89. DELY-DRASKOVITS, Á., PAPP, J., (THURÓCZY, CS. &) VÁSÁRHELYI, T.: Hymenoptera species in Lipara galls (Diptera, Chloropidae) in Hungary. - Folia ent. hung. 55: 65-91. 90. DELY-DRASKOVITS, Á. (& TAKAHASI. H.): Additional records on the Tabanidae fauna of North Korea (Diptera). - Folia ent. hung. 55: 59-64. 91. (S. WOLCSÁNSZKY. E.), DELY-DRASKOVITS, Á. & VÁSÁRHELYI, T. (1993): Nádban fejlődő rovarok hatása a nádhajtás (Phragmites communis) szöveti felépítésére. (The effect of insects on the tissues of reed (Phragmites communis)). - Bot. köziem. 80 (2): 141-150. 92. (KEMENES, 1. &) DEMETER, A.: Uni- and multivariate analyses of the effects of environmental factors on the occurrence of otters (Lutra lutra) in Hungary. - Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 86: 133-138. 93. FARKAS. B.: Notes on type and type locality of the narrow-headed softshell turtle, Chitra indica (Gray, 1831) (Testudines, Trionychidae). - Miscnea z.ool. hung. 9: 117-119. 94. FARKAS, B. (& SASVÁRI L.): "Ungewöhnliche" Nahrungsaufname einer Eryx (Pseudogongylophis) jayakari. ­Elaphe (N. F.) 2 (4): 13. FARKAS. B.: see VIDA, A. & FARKAS. B. 95. FORRÓ. L.: Distribution and occurrence of Daphnia atkinsoni Baird, 1859 and Daphnia similis Claus, 1876 (Crustacea: Anomopoda) in Hungary. - Miscnea zool. hung. 9: 83-88. 96. Fuisz, T. (1993): Comparison of two radio attachement methods on Starlings (Sturmis vulgaris). - Aquila 100: 241-249. 97. Fuisz. T: Winter Feeding Habitat Choice of Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and other Birds in Agricultural Farmland. - ./. Orn. 135 (Suppl.): 237.)

