Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 82. (Budapest 1990)

Bohus, G.: Agaricus studies, XI. (Basidiomycetes, Agaricaceae). A monographical key

4b - Likewise in frondose woods: two varieties of the coniferous A. silvati eus SCHFF.: FR., var. fagetorum PIL., see 4c and var. vinosobrunneus TÖRT.) HEINEM ., see 4c. 4c - In coniferous woods. Fungus often more slender than A. haemorrhoidarius SCHULZ.: KALCHBR. Gills somewhat rosy or greyish flesh colour. Cap first ochre brown or dark brown, then soon broken up into small squames on whitish or lighter ground, 5-10 cm. Stem 6-8(11) x 1-1.2 (base 1.5-2) cm, white, at most slightly whitish sometimes brownish squamulose below the ring, at var. fusco-squamatus (MOELL.) MOELL. stronger brown squamose. Ring simple. Flesh moderately reddening. Spores 4.5-6 x 3-3.5 Aim. Cheilocystidia numer­ous, balloon-shaped or clavate. 17-34 x 7-13(18) Aim. CAPP. I: 12; CAPP. Ill: 405, 407; E.: 15, 16: LGE.: 137/B; MH . I: 21; MOELL.: XV; PH.: 160; RT.: 44 A. silvaticus SCHFF.: FR. var. silvaticus Varieties: - var. saturatus (MOELL.) MOELL.: Cap reddish brown, densely covered with fibrillo-squames , likewise the lower surface of ring. - var. vi nosobrunneus (ORT.) HEINEM.: Cap wine-red brown squamose. In frondose woods. - var. fusco-squamatus (MOELL.) MOELL.: Cap with dark brown or blackish squames. Lower surface of stem and ring brown squamose. var. fagetorum PIL.: Cap with well separated light brown squames. In frondose woods. CAPP. I: 12; PIL. I: 3_0. VII. group: Fusco-fibrillosus la - Smell strong, spiced. Flesh after intense reddening blackish-violet . Cap 4-10(15) cm, from spherical soon expanded, first whitish, then domi­nantly ochreous yellow, finally violet blackish brown, first naked or with brown veil flocci, later cuticle broken up into squames. Gills ochreous rosy with or without a greyish shade. Stem 3-8 x 0.8-2 cm, cylindrical­clavate, often curve, white; with ochreous brownish zones in form of zig­zag. Ring double, fragile, white, lower surface brown. Spores 5.5-6 x 4.5-4.8 Aim. Cheilocystidia catenulate, i.e. chains of 2-4 cells. In plan­tations of Cupressus macrocarpa , cespitose too. It belongs to V. group Vaporarius A. boisseletii HEINEM. lb - Smell indistinct. Reddening different 2 2a - Occurring under Cupressus . Cap 3-6(8)cm, whitish, whitish brownish when young, then rosaceous brown or brown or dark brown too, adpressed fibrillose, margin with veil-zone or flocci. Gills rosy, greyish rosy. Stem 3-6(7) x 0.7-1(1.3) cm, cylindrical -clavate or towards the base enlarged, whitish, towards the apex light rosaceous, reddening when touched, more or less zonally floccose. Ring simple. Flesh more or less reddening when young. Spores 5-6(7) x 3.5-4.5 Aim. Cheilocystidia clavate, 20-35 x 10-15 Am, often catenulate. GRILLI: 121, 124 A. cupressicola BON et GRILLI 2b - Occurring on other habitats 3 3a - Cap whitish, brownish 4 3b - Cap brown j . . 5 4a - Ring double but complex, i.e. the lower one peronate and with a cog­wheel ornamentation or floccose. Cap 5-9 cm, light brownish, margin whitish; then with fine brownish squam­ules, at margin often with squamules or flocci from veil. Gills flesh rosy. Stem 4-7 x 1-2 cm, white, floccose or may be almost naked. Flesh more or less reddening. Spores 5-7 x 3.5-4 j_im . Cheilocystidia numerous, clavate, 20-54 x 8-18 Aim. In coniferous woods. CAPP. I: 28; CAPP. Ill: 427; E.: 4/a; LGE.: 139/D A. subfloccosus (LGE.) PIL. 4b - Ring double but not complex: the lower one not peronate, with a cog­wheel ornamentation on the underside.

