Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 77. (Budapest 1985)

Gladkova, T. D. ; Tóth, T.: Additional data to the dermatoglyphics of Hungarians

Fig. 1. Map of the distribution of the studied Hungarian groups: 1 = Őrség, 2 = Milejszeg, 3 = Kunhegyes, 4 = Jászapáti, 5 — Gacsáj, 6 = Mezőkövesd, 7 = Taktabáj, 8 = Himód, 9 = Karcag, 10 = Gyöngyöstarján, 11 = Kisfalud, 12 = Szendrő, 13 = Kustánszeg, 14 = Becsvölgye, 15 = Petrikeresztúr, 16 = Csonkahegyhát, 17 = Jászárokszállás, 18 = Jászfényszaru, 19 = Szikszó. 20 = Matolcs, 21 = Rozsály, 22 = Taktaharkány, 23 = Taktakenéz, 24 = Aszaló, 25 = Boldva. 26 = Kunmadaras Palm pattern s —In the studied samples (Table 4), a rather high frequency of patterns on the hypothenar have been observed ranging from 24.46% (Boldva) to 38.32% (Kunmadaras). The frequency of the thenar/I pattern varies from 4.79 (Kunmadaras) to 10.07% (Taktaharkány). These data correspond to the Caucasoid range of variation (ASHIZAWA 1972, REMANE et al. 1962, GLADKOVA 1966). The frequency of patterns of the interdigital pad III ranged from 27.20% (Taktakenéz) to 43.71% (Kunmadaras) on the interdigital pad IV from 41.32% (Kunmadaras) to 51.60% (Takta­harkány). According to world reports in the Caucasoid peoples the pattern on the interdigital pad III are 25.3-64.4%, in Mongoloids in 7.0-21.8%, on the interdigital pad IV in 23.3-69.8% and in 52.8-84.5% respectively. Our samples, as we can see, are within the limits of the range of Europoid variation both as regards the general frequency of the pattern on the interdigital pads III and IV the small differences between them. The sample from Kunmadaras is distinguish from the other groups by a higher frequency of the pattern on the interdigital pad III than on pad IV. Accessorial and axial triradi i —In our groups the sum of low (accessorial) triradii (Table 4) was found in 12.40% (Taktakenéz)—19.06% (Aszaló). The frequency of the carpal axial triradii (t) varied between 64.80% (Taktakenéz)—74.32% (Aszaló). In our samples the presence of t', t", tt\ tt" was observed and in the groups from Taktakenéz, Aszaló and Boldva the presence of tt't" has been established. * * * After a brief review of the new dermatoglyphical material of north-eastern Hungarian groups from Taktaharkány, Taktakenéz, Aszaló, Boldva and Kunmadaras, let us now give a general summary of the investigation on the dermatoglyphics of 26 local Hungarian groups from the different regions of the country (Fig. 1). In Table 5 we give the intergroup

