Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 75. (Budapest 1983)
CONSPECTUS MATERIARUM Pars Palaeoiitologica VOR ös, A. : Some new genera of Brachiopoda from the Mediterranean Jurassic 5 SZABÓ, J.: Lower and Middle Jurassic Gastropods from the Bakony Mountains (Hungary), Part V. Supplement to Archaeogastropoda; Caenogastropoda 27 Pars Botanica KoMÁROMY. Zs. P.: A comparative study on the algal synusia of Hungarian grasslands and deciduous forests 47 VERSEGHY. K. P. : Phänologische Untersuchungen der Art Cladonia furcata (Hds.) Schrad. (Lichenes) 55 KOVÁTS, D. : Distribution of internode lengths of two Lithospermum species (Boraginaceae) 61 DOBOLYI. Z. K. : Die zönologischen Verhältnisse von Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. in den Karpaten und an der Balkanhalbinsel (Compositae) 71 RAJCZY, M. & PADISÁK, J. : DIVDROP analysis —a new method for the interpretation of species importance in diversity change 97 Pars Zoologica GOLOVATCH, S. I.: On several new Glomeridae (Diplopoda) from Indochina 107 KORSÓS, Z. : Diplopod types in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, 1 117 DUNGER, W. G. : Collembolen (lnsecta. Collembola) aus der Mongolischen Volksrepublik, III. Poduridae, Hypogastruridae und Neanuridae 121 STEINMANN, H.: A study of the higher taxa of the Chelisochidae (Dermaptera) 139 SHILENKOV, V. G.: Species of the subgenus Diocarabus Reitter (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Siberia 145 CASALE, A.: The type-material of Taphoxenus species in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, described by A. Jedlicka (Coleoptera, Carabidae : Sphodrini), Part 1 155 PACE, R. : Lathrobium kaszabi sp. n. del gruppo di L. coecum J. Frivaldszky (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 159 VÎT, S. : Eucinetus nutellus sp. n. de l'Afrique occidentale (Coleoptera. Eucinetidae) 163 RÜCKER, H. W. : Lathridiidae (Coleoptera) aus der Mongolei 169 KASZAB, Z. : Über die Gattung Leprocaulus Fairmaire, 1896 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) 177 UHMANN, G.: Anthiciden der orientalischen Region (Coleoptera, Anthicidae) 185 ENDRŐDI, S.: Sisyphus bornemisszanus sp. n. from South Africa (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) 207 ROHÁÍEK, J. & PAPP, L. : Revision of the East Palaearctic species of the Leptocera (s. str.) fontinalis-group (Diptera. Sphaeroceridae) 211 RONKAY, L. : Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) from Mongolia. Noctuidae Quadrifinae 229 PAPP, J. : A survey of the European species of Apanteles Forst. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgastrinae), VII. The carbonarius-, circumscriptus-, fraternus-, pallipes-, parasitellae-, vitripennis-, liparidis-, octonarius- and thompsoni-group 247 MINEO, G. : Studies on the Scelionidae (Hymenoptera) XIX. A revision of the Ethiopian species of Gryon Haliday: the pubescens-group 285 KAMIJO. K.: Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera) from Korea, with description of four new species 295 EBMER, A. W.: Asiatische Halictidae, II. (Apoidea, Hymenoptera) 313 MAHUNKA, S. : Oribatids from the eastern part of the Ethiopian Region (Acari), IV 327 Pars Anthropologica PAP, I.: Data to the problem of artificial cranial deformation. Part 1 339 TÓTH, T. : Areality in the Early Period of Hungarian ethnogenesis 353