Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 74. (Budapest 1982)

Tóth, T.: The odontological aspect in the ethnogenesis of Hungarians, II.

ANNALES HISTORICO-NATURALES MUSEI NATIONALIS HUNGARICI Tomus 74. Budapest, 1982 p. 351-357. The odontological aspect in the ethnogenesis of Hungarians, II. by T. TÓTH, Budapest Abstract — Odontological data from different ethnogeographic groups of Hungarian people have been evaluated regarding some ethnogenetical problems. With 3 tables and 1 figure. Prolegomena. In this part of the series one of the morphological features of the molar chewing surface has been analyzed, which has only slightly been taken into account in the general literature. The distal trigonid crest was first described by WEIDENREICH (1937) in his monograph about the comparative odontography of the Hominids. A definition of this phenomenon is given by him in connection with analysis of the lower deciduous molars from Sinanthropus (p. 112-117). The tips of the metaconid and protoconid are connected by the distal trigonid crest, which at the same time divi­des the molar chewing surface into two parts (trigonid and talonid). The occurrence of this crest on the lower premolars was established by REMANE (1952), whereas HANIHARA (1961, after ZUBOV 1967) found it to be present on deciduous molars. In his second paper HANIHARA (1963) briefly commented upon this crest, but he did not consider the presence of this crest as an element of the Mongoloid den­tal complex (HANIHARA 1966, 1970, 1976; HANIHARA et al 1975). It was ZUBOV (1967, 1968 a, b) who first analyzed the occurence of the distal trigonid crest on the permanent molars ; he emphasized the differential diagnostic importance of this trait in ethnogenetical investigations. The same morpholo­gical phenomenon was studied by KIRVESKART (1974, 1978) on the Lapps of Finland. ZUBOV (1973), comparing 34 Europoid and Mongoloid groups, provided numerous important data on the inter­continental distribution of this crest, by analysing several thousand permanent molars ; his investiga­tions resulted in the first comprehensive monograph on ethnical odontology (ZUBOV & HALDEEVA 1979) including the results of studies considering the distal trigonid crest as well. Material and methods It is the first occasion that the first lower molar has been studied with regard to the distal trigonid crest on adult males belonging to a number of different ehtnogeographical groups of Hungarians. The period of the investigations lasted from November to March inthe years 1969/1970 and 1970/1971, respectively. For visual evaluation of the chewing surface, a dentistic speculum was used. As generally accepted, recent populations are to be characterized by the presence or absence ( + viz. O) of the distal trigonid crest (ZUBOV 1973). Our findings are presented in tables. Data about the above-mentioned odontomorphoscopic trait have been sampled from 3310 men (aged between 20 and 60) living in 28 different localities. The localities were as follows: Őriszentpéter, Szalafő, Bajánsenye (all from the Őrség), Csonkahegyhát, Kustánszeg, Becsvölgye, Milejszeg, Petrikeresztúr (all from Göcsej), Karcag, Kunmadaras, Kunhegyes (all from the Middle-Tisza region). Jászapáti, Jászárokszállás, Jászfény­szaru (all from Jászság), Taktaharkány, Taktakenéz, Taktabáj (all from Taktaköz), Gacsáj, Rozsály, Matolcs (all from Szamoshát), Aszaló, Szikszó, Szendrő, Boldva (northeastern group of the so-called Palócság), Gyöngyöstarján, Mezőkövesd (southern group of the so-called Palócság and Matyós), Himód, Kisfalud (from Rábaköz). Thus the study material consists of the ethnogeographical groups of the Hungarian people living in the Transdanubian as well as in the Middle- and Upper-Tisza regions. Data were taken from the same persons on whom the lingual surface of the upper incisors has been investigated as well (TÓTH 1981). INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS The pattern of the chewing surface of the first lower permanent molar was analyzed in 1239 men (Table 1). Comparing our findings with the whole contingent of the local groups (3310 individuals), we have obtained interesting information about the clinical

