Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 72. (Budapest 1980)

Last, H. R.: Records of New Guinea Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) in the Hungarian Natural History Museum

Hesperus kaindiensis sp. n. (Fig. 37) Compared with H. multipunctus sp. n. (i.l.) (from New Hebrides), it differs by lacking microsculpture on the pronotum, and with fewer punctures; compared with H. modulatus LAST (New Guinea) it differs by the shorter antennae, broader head, much stronger punc­turation of the head and elytra, and especially the very long bristles of the whole insect, which are longest on the intermediate tibiae, they easily break and also become very mixed. The aedeagus also is different. Black except the last three segments of the antennae which are cream-coloured and the elytra which are shining green. — Head transverse (10:7.5), moderately shining with transverse micro­sculpture, and large irregular umbilicate punctures near inner margins of the eyes and on temples, broadly but shallowly depressed towards front between the antennae; eyes not convex, their longi­tudinal diameter half the length of the temples ; antennae with segments one to eight longer than broad but becoming shorter to the ninth and tenth which are as long as broad, last segment asymmetri­cally acuminate, basal segments with long bristles. — Pronotum nearly as broad as long, shin­ing, without microsculpture, with two rows of five irregularly placed punctures, with others laterally bearing long dense outstanding bristles ; moderately convex, more so at anterior margin, narrower at posterior margin. — Elytra about as broad as long, very shining, without microsculpture, strong­ly but not densely punctured, with dense very long bristles. — Scutellum large, finely punctured, with fine microsculpture. — Abdomen with tergites strongly punctured for basal third, with long bristles; narrowing towards the apex. Legs strongly spinose, with very long bristles from the tibiae. Aedeagus: Fig. 37. Length 16,0 mm. Holotypecf (unique): Wau, Mt. Kaindi, 2000 m, 27. VIII. 1968 (DR. I. LOKSA). Leucitus biroi sp. n. (Fig. 38) From my description of L. paradiseus FAUV., this species differs by having the basal three segments of the antennae dark (not red) and also the colouration of the elytra ; the elytral epipleura are black (not reddish-yellow), the apical margins of all tergites are black and there is an absence of the silver-coloured abdominal pubescence present in most other species of the genus. ^Head and pronotum black with a dark greenish hue, elytra blackish-purple, with humeral cor­ners and posterior margin green; abdomen black, antennae black except last three segments which are creamy-white; legs pale yellow, tarsi much darker; mandibles and maxillary palpi red. — Head transverse (8.75:5) irregularly but not densely punctured, towards base and temples punctures larger and some umbilicate, with two distinctive punctures a little beyond the vertex, without microsculp­ture; eyes not very convex about a third longer than the temples which are rounded to a broad shin­ing and impunctate "neck"; antennae with second segment shorter than the first and third, segments four to seven each a little shorter than the previous, segments eight to ten as long as broad, last seg­ment almost as long as the two penultimate together, segments with bristles. — Pronotum as long as broad, without microsculpture, with two rows of four large punctures, and a few scattered punc­tures of much smaller size, anterior corners distinct, posterior corners rounded, with bristles at the humeral corners and on lateral margins. — E 1 y t r a as long as broad, strongly and densely punc­tured, interstices about as broad as the diameter of the puncture, shining, without microsculpture, with decumbent setae, more so on lateral margins, suture broadly raised. — Scutellum more finely punctured and pubescent. — Abdomen shining, without microsculpture, basal third of tergites with large open-ended punctures becoming more elongate to the seventh tergite which is completely covered with punctures. Legs with strong spines, first segment equal in length to the three following together. Aedeagus: Fig. 38. Length 11 mm. Holotype çf (unique): Sattelberg, Huon Golf, 1-15. V. 1899 (BÍRÓ).

