Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 71. (Budapest 1979)

Tóth, T.: Some problems in the somatology of Hungarian people

Some Problems in the Somatology of Hungarian People by T. TÓTH, Budapest Abstract —Somatological data taken from different ethnogeographical groups of Hungarian people were evaluated in the aspects of ethno-genesis. With 1 table and 2 figures. Material and method In discussing the problem we have to mention that somatological investigations had been car­ried out in our country before 1969, too: in the eastern territory of Transdanubia (LIPP 1938), in Eastern Hungary (NEMESKÉRI 1938, MALÁN & KACSUR 1960), in Northern Hungary (NEMESKÉRI 1953), in the southern part of Tiszántúl (territory east to the River Tisza) (FARKAS & LIPTÁK 1965, 1970), along the River Danube (KELEMEN 1968). Besides these authors it was LAJOS BARTUCZ who was dealing recurrently with general anthropological problems of Hungarian people (1939a-b, 1943). The generally accepted requirement for ethnic-anthropological studies is the sampling of data during the same season from different groups containing a great number of individuals and living very far from each other. Extensive morphoscopical comparisons, i.e. increasing the ethnogenetical informa­tions can be performed only in this way. Author of this paper accepting all of the above mentioned requirement sampled a lot of data from nine different ethnogeographical groups of Hungarian people in the years 1969-1970 and then from November 1970 till March 1971 in the territories of Őrség, Göcsej, Nagykunság, Jászság, South- and Northeast Palócság, Taktaköz, Szamos-mellék and in the northwestern part of Transdanubia (Rábaköz). Somatological, dermatoglyphical, odontological and daltonistic data were taken from more than 3000 adult individuals (men, aged 20-60 years) of about 30 villages. The villages are as follows: Őriszentpéter, Szalafő, Bajánsenye, Csonkahegyhát, Kustánszeg, Becsvölgye, Milejszeg, Petrikeresztúr, Karcag, Kunmadaras, Kunhegyes, Jászapáti, Jászárokszállás, Jászfényszaru, Taktaharkány, Taktakenéz, Taktabáj, Gacsály, Rozsály, Matolcs, Aszaló, Szikszó, Szendrö, Boldva, Gyöngyöstarján, Himód, Kisfalud, Mezőkövesd. From the results of his investigations author deals in this paper only with the intercontinental relationships, in other words with the proportion of the Mongoloid component, in addition he is trying to give a short ana­lysis of some data about the heterogeneity of the inhabitants living in above enumerated localities. In the applied combinational polygons one can find on the first value-radius the index-values of Mongoloidity expressing the main taxonomical position of the nine ethnogeographical groups. On the second value-radius the percentage of dark hair-colour is presented, on the third one the percentage of mixed eye-colour, on the fourth one the extension of beard (average point 1-5), on the fifth one the extension of chest hair (average point 1-5), on the sixth one the bizygomatic diameter (139­148 mm), on the seventh one the morphological facial height (125-134 mm), whereas on the eight value-radius we can see the values of cephalic index (77.0-86.0). It should be noted that the minimal values are located in the origines of the circles. For throwing a light upon the above mentioned prob­lems author joins to this paper the combinational polygon constructed from the morphoscopical and morphometrical data of the Central-Danubian variant as well as of the southern Ossets and Kipchaks from Kazakhstan (Fig. 1.). The data of these two abroad groups had been sampled by author during his former study tours (TÓTH 1966). It should be also mentioned that the index-values shown on the first value-radius include the data of ten morphoscopic characters (extension of beard, extension of chest hair, frequency of epicanthus, development of proximal part of upper eyelid­plica, eye-slant, horizontal facial profile, prominence of cheekbones, nasal root height, upper lip profile, prominence of genial tubercle).

