Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 70. (Budapest 1978)

Bohus, G.: Agaricus studies, VIII. (Basidiomycetes, Agaricaceae)

Carpophorus primo lycoperdoniformis. Pileus 5—11—( 13) cm latus, 1.2-1.6 cm crassus, e globoso vel hemisphaerico-convexo-explanatus, albus, albidus, tactu + citrinoflavescens, glaber vel late (non raro crassiore) semper rhombiforme diffracto-squamosus, margine (cuticula + velum) lamellás ad 4 mm excedente et intus non raro striato. Lamellae 5—10—(12) mm latae, primitus pallidae vel pallide roseae, deinde vivide roseae, demum nigrobrunneae. Stipes 4-7 (rarius 8-10) cm longus, 1.4-2.2-(2.5) cm crassus, basi attenuatus vel non, in statu juvenili velo universali — structurae floc­coso-gossypino — obtectus, deinde toto floccosus-squamulosus, etiam in zonis sicut apud Hebeloma sinapizans. Velum partiale in fiocculos diffractum. Annulus parvus et debilis, semper absens. Caro sat crassa, alba, fracta moderate erubescens; reactio SchaefFeri negativa. Odor aniseus, evanescens. Sporae ellipsoideae-ovoideae, 6-7.2-(7.5)x4.5-5.2 \>,m. Cystidia marginalia nulla. Fibrillae veli universalis structurae laxae; eellulaeearum usque ad 150 u,m longaeet 18 u.m latae. Habilatio: in campis pascuisque etiam subhumidis. Typus: 56.937 in Herbario Musei Ftistorico-Naturalis Hungarici, Budapest. Inter Kopháza et Nagycenk, in prato subhumido, 26 Oct. 1977, leg. BABOS, BOHUS, GERZSON, GRÚSZ et RIMÓCZI. Further herbarial data: Tőserdő, subhumid pasture and forest (Robinia, Acer, Fraxinus), 2 Oct. 1977, leg. KONECSNI. KEY TO AGARICUS PAMPEANUS, FLOCCIPES. CAMPESTER AND ITS VARIETIES 1. Spores large: 8-10x5.5-7 ^m, with apical pore A. pampeanus SPEC. — Spores shorter, without apical pore 2 2. Spores small: 6-7.5x4-5 /ím. Pileus more or less yellowing 3 — Spores medium 4 3. Stem above ring floccose-squamulose like Hebeloma; 1.4-2.2-(2.5) cm thick A. floccipes (MOELL.) BOHUS emend. BOHUS — Stem above ring smooth; thinner A. campester (L.) FR. var. equestris MOELL. 4. Spores 7-8 x 4-5 pm 5 — Spores bigger: 7-9x5-6.3 [im 6 5. Pileus white, smooth or densely floccose-squamulose A. campester (L.) FR. — Pileus argillaceous, with darker squamules A. campester (L.) FR. var. isabellinus MOELL. 6. Pileus with dark brown fibrils. Stem stout, rather tall: 5-8 X 1-2 cm A. campester (L.) FR. var. fusco-pilosellus MOELL. — Pileus with squamules or squames A. campester (L.) FR. var. squamulosus RE A Agaricus nivescens (MOELL.) MOELL. and A. osecanus PILÂT There was problem to identify A. nivescens, although the material at our disposal was very rich. Owing to the wide ovoid spores of smaller size ([5.5]-6-7x4.4-5 u.m), and low stature, refer our material enumerated below to nivescens against the rather slender, large-spored A. arvensis. Problems: (1) In MOELLER'S (1951) description the stem is very thick: 35-50 mm, although, admittedly, it is already only 15 mm in var. parkensis MOELL. The stem sizes of our material: 5-10X1-2.5 cm, rather corresponding with those of HEINEMANN (1965): 6-9x2-2.5 cm. (2) The colours of lamellae in MOELLER: "dein dilute incarnatae", in HEINEMANN: "blanchâtres puis rosées", in our gatherings rose in two specimens, in many specimens for some time whitish, then flesh coloured greyish or cream-greyish. In this respect, our material is more in agreement with A. osecanus PILÂT, where the colour of the young lamellae is "greyish, then greyish flesh ... never vividly rose". If, for A. nivescens, which is reported from several habitats in western Europe and North Africa, it turns out — on the basis of further gatherings there — that the transitional colour of the lamellae is not exclusively rose, then the name nivescens becomes a synonym. As early as in 1952, KONRAD &

