Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 70. (Budapest 1978)

Bohus, G.: Hebeloma studies, II. (Basidiomycetes, Cortinariaceae)

res ellipsoid, smell absent or moderately rephanaceous, taste absent or slightly acrid. An apparent difference is in the description by BON & CHEVASSUT: "la cortine plus marquée". (Cortina is weakly developed in H. testaceum.) We feel that this is probably an exception. As an analogy it should be mentioned that in the case of H. versipelle which can be characterized as having a well developed cortina, we collected some materials having a weak cortina — which on this basis could be considered H. testaceum — but their other characteristics referred them to H. versipelle. Finally, we shall have to correct here an erroneous statement (BOHUS 1972, p. 77): "LANGE'S H. testaceum . . . can be considered H. versipelle". This opinion was based, among others, on that the spores were described as "obliquely ellipsoid". But, on tab. 118/E. spores are drawn as amygdali­form and this form on the other hand is the characteristic of H. testaceum ss. BRUCHET. Data on Hebeloma funariophilum Mos. (Fig. 1) Since it was described (1970), its occurrence in France has been mentioned by BON & CHEVASSUT (1974). No such character could be found — even on the basis of the rich material occurring in Hun­gary — which had not been included in MOSER'S description. Herbarial data. 1. Szentendre Island: Horány, on charcoal heaps, among mosses (Funaria), 7 Sept. 1974 (spores 8.8-9.8x4.4-5 u,m), 21 June 1975 (spores 8.7-10x4.7-5 [xm, cheilo­cystidia 25-35x4.5-7.5 u,m), 31 August 1975 (spores 8.8-9.8x4-5 u.m), 3 Nov. 1975 (spores 9.5-12X X4.7-5.5 [im) leg. BABOS. — 2. Mts. Bükk: near "Létrási-ház", on charcoal heaps, among mosses (Funaria), 28 August 1977 (spores 9-10.5x4.5-5 fxm), leg. BABOS. Recent occurrence of Hebeloma vaccinum RoMAGN.(Fig. 2) Its habitat in Hungary is similar to that mentioned in previous descriptions (ROMAGNESI 1965, BRUCHET 1970), that is, in marshy soils, under Populus. In order to complete the literary data, it is worth while to mention that on the surface of the spores, which are "très ornées" according to BRUCHET, there were also crests and lentiform protrusions (up to 4.5X2.5 u.m in size). Herbarial data. Hortobágy: Kónya, humid poplar wood, 16 Nov. 1966, leg. BOHUS et VESSEY; 9 Nov. 1976, leg. BABOS; humid mixed wood with poplar, 18 Sept. 1975. leg. BABOS. Hebeloma ammophilum sp. n. (Fig. 3) This species grows in barren sand. Its fruit bodies develop under the surface of soil, during growth they upwarp the soil, then become visible. This is why the viscid pileus is completely covered with sand. Pileus 2-6 cm, primum convexus, deinde expansus, Hebeloma-brunneus, ochraceo-brunneus, interdum in margine pallidus, viscosus, cum sabulo toto obtectus. — Lamellae 4-8 mm latae, siccae, ex aquosocremeae argillaceae, argillaceo-ferruginascentes, sicco ± brunneae, adnatae-emar­ginatae, non raro ventricosae, cum acie pallido. — Stipes 3-6X0.5-1 cm, aequalis vel inferne in­crassatus, interdum inferne tenuiescens, non raro curvus, albus, albidus, tactu ochraceus, sericeus, sub lamellis farinosus. Caro albida, alba. Odor nullus vel vix raphaneus. Sapor exiguus. — S p o r a e magnae, 13-16-(17.5)X 7-8.5-(9.5) /mi, amygdaliformes, interdum ventricosae, non raro in papil­lam elongatae, dense et insigniter punctatae-verruculosae, cum ectosporio non-vel haud decollalae, ochraceo-brunneolae. Cheilocystidiae claviformes, 33-50x8-17 p.m. — In sabulo vasto, primitus hypogaeus. Typus: 56.934 in Herbario Musei Historico-naturalis Hungarici, Budapest. Inter Örkény et Tatárszentgyörgy, in Junipero-Populetum, 8 Nov. 1975, leg. BABOS et FRIESZ. Further herbarial data. 1. Between Örkény and Tatárszentgyörgy in Junipero­Populetum, II Nov. 1976, leg. BABOS et FRIESZ. — 2. Szentendre Island: Horány, in Festucetum vaginát ae clanubiale, 14 Nov. 1975, 12 Sept. 1976, leg. BABOS.

