Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)

P. Verseghy, K.: Quantitative investigation of xerothermophilous lichens of sandy soil

In the case of Cl. furcata, the order of the factors in both associations is the same in winter, but different in summer. In winter, radiation minimum and humi­dity are fllowed by the "other" factors. In summer, in the case of Brometum, the radiation minimum, while in the case of Festucetum vaginatae, the energy of the global radiation enhances the productivity of Cl. furcata. As for Cl. magyarica, we have only examined it in the Festucetum vaginatae association. In winter, the "other" factors are primary, while in summer, global radiation takes the first place. Humidity ranks second throughout the year, and precipitation is last. In summerizing, we may say that : 1. The role of environmental factors is different in the case of the total productivity of lichens in the grasslands from the case of the total productivity of various speceis. 2. The one-year-old Brometum and the perennial open Festucetum vaginatae associ­ation are sharply differentiated in terms of relationship concerning productivity and the environmental factors. 3. The order of importance of the environmental factors is different in the winter and in the summer months. 4. Regarding the direction within the effects of these factors, we have determined that the "other" factors are positive throughout the year; the raditaion minimum factor is positive in summer in the cases of all assiciations, the total productivity of lichens and of various species. The influence of the other factors is variable. The seasonal changes in the phytomass of the lichens cannot be explained away only by environmental factors. The anatomic (i.e. internal morphological) changes of the indivi­dual and the development of certain phenophases, fructification, senescence, and the dy­namism of growth within a population are all related to productivity. References BESCHEL, R. (1954): Eine Flechten als Niederschlagsmesser. — Weit. u. Leben, 6: 56-60. BESCHEL, R. (1965): Individuum und Alter bei Flechten. — Phyton 6: 60-68. GALLÉ, L. (1972-73): Flechtenvegetation der Sandgebiete der Tiefebene Südungarns. — Móra F. Mûz. Évlc., p. 259-278. KVÈT, I. P., ONDOK, J., NEŐAS, J., & JARVIS, P. G. (1971): Methods of Growth Analysis. — In Plant photosynthetic production. Manual of methods. Ed. SESTAK, Z., CATSKY, J., JARVIS, P. G., p. 343-391. Netherlands, Hague. K.-LÁNG, E. & VERSEGHY, K. (1974): Seasonal changes in the K and Ca contents of terricolous xerophyton lichen species and their soils. — Acta Agr. Acad. Sei. Hung., 23: 325-333. LEROY, H. (1960): Statistische Methoden der Populationsgenetik. — Birkhäuser, Basel — Stuttgart. O'SVÁTH, J. (1961): Összefüggések kísérleti megállapítása (Path analysis). — MTA Agr. Tud. Oszt. Közlem., 19: 271-285. O'SVÁTH, J. (1965): Examination of yield components by path analysis, in a fertilizer experiment with winter wheat. — Acta Agr. Hung., 14: 139-147. VERSEGHY, K. (1976): Investigation on Lichen-production of Grassland communities of sandy soil. II. — Acta Biol. Hung., (in press) VERSEGHY, K. & K.-LÁNG, E. (1971): Investigation on production of grassland commu­nities of sandy soil in the IBP area near Csévharaszt (Hungary) I. — Acta Biol. Hung., 22: 393-411. VERSEGHY, K. & K.-LÁNG, E. (1975): Role of Lichens in the Nitrogen turnover of grassland communities on sandy areas. — Acta Agr. Hung., 24: 19-28. WALTER, H. & LIETH, H. (1960): Klimadiagramm Weltatlas. — Jena. Author's address: DR. KLÁRA P. —VERSEGHY Botanical Department Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1146 Budapest, Vajdahunyadvár Hungary

