Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 67. (Budapest 1975)

Zombori, L.: New sawfly species in the Hungarian fauna (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), I

F e m a 1 e. Entirely black, apart from yellow knees, tibiae and bases of basitarsi. Wings uniformly infuscate, stigma black, except its dark brown bay. Middle of mesepisternum with strongly raised hump (Fig. 1). Cenchri far from each other, farther than width of one. Scutellum in front marked off by wide and deep grooves and continued backwards to downturned portion of postnotum in very narrow and shallow grooves (proportion at least 2:1; Fig. 2). M a 1 e. It is coloured much the same as the female, but in body somewhat more slender. The typical race has first four legs brown, hind legs black; stigma uniformly brown ; mesepisternum only weakly humped (Fig. 3) ; cenchri closer together than width of one; deep scutellar grooves short, about as long as shallow ones (Fig. 4). Penis valve not distinguishable (Fig. 5). The new subspecies is somewhere between M. o. obscuratus HTG. and M. juni­peri L. as far as the coloration of the two species is concerned. Holotype 9 : „Fenyőfő, 1974. V. 3, leg. ZOMBORI" on Juniperus communis L. — Paratypes: „Fenyőfő, 1974. V. 3, leg. ZOMBORI", 6 9, 17 rf, „Fenyőfő, 1974. V. 4, leg. ZOMBORI," 1 9, 1 çf. „Fenyőfő, 1974. V. 4, leg. TÓTH," 2 9, 2 0 *. „Csepel, 1897, leg. PAVEL," 1 9. „Bakonyporva, 1940. V. 12, leg. SzT. IVÁNY", 1 9^ „Csévharaszt, 1971. V. 12, leg. MIHÁLYI," 1 9, i n a wood of Juniperus communis L. „Bugac, 1961. IV. 28, leg. ERDŐS (coll. DR. J. ERDŐS)," I }. „Zamárdi f., B. part, 1953. V. I . leg. Móczár L., Juniperus, homokpart" (sandy shore), 7 rf. The holotype and the paratypes from Csepel, Bakonyporva, Csévharaszt and Bugac, all females, seven males from Zamárdi and two males from Fenyőfő are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (HNHM)*, while all the other para­types from Fenyőfő are preserved in the Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeum, Zirc (BTMZ)*. For easier access the holotype receives an inventory number (Hym. Typ., No. 2923), the paratypes the subsequent numbers (Hym. Typ., No. 2924—2963). The representatives of the new subspecies were collected at low altitudes (150, 300, c. 500 m a. s. 1.) only. The comparative material of M. o. obscuratus HTG. originated from higher altitudes (Tatra Mts., Tirol, Fürstenberg, well above 1000 m), thus, the pre­sent taxon may be considered to be a geographical subspecies living at lower altitudes. Figs. 1,3. Monoctenus obscuratus ssp. intermedius ssp. n.: 1 = mesopleuron, 3 = front scu­tellar furrow. — Figs. 2,4—5. Monoctenus obscuratus obscuratus HTG.: 2 = mesopleuron, 4 = front scutellar furrow, 5 = penis valve. — Fig. 6. Gall of Hoplocampoides xylostei GlR. — Figs. 7—8. Apethymus serotinus MÜLL.: 7 = sawsheath laterally, 8 = sawsheath from above. — Figs. 9—10. Apethymus ustus Kx.: 9 = sawsheath laterally, 10 = saw­sheath from above. •Henceforth the names of the museums where the respectives specimens are deposited will be abb­reviated and generally placed in brackets after the discussion of the species.

