Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 66. (Budapest 1974)

Bohus, G.: Agaricus studies, IV.

Fig. 2. Agaricus m-xskie PÍLIT var. im rehii var. n. : specimens from the herbarium (2/3) Agaricus macrosporoides sp. n. This new species is apparently a transitional form between the Arvensis and the Macrosporus groups. Pileus yellowing, flesh ± reddening as in the species of the Macrosporus group, but spore dimensions smaller. The size of the spore coincides with the upper extreme value for the Arvensis group. In the Arvensis group there is a species —• A. fissitratus (MOELL,) MOELL. — whose flesh also reddens ("Flesh ... at length slightly flesh colour in the stem."). But in several respects they differ from each other. Thus, e.g. in the case of A. fissuratus "stem . . . with round, white grains towards the ring, easily dropping off, . . . ring with numerous roundish, white or gradulally ochraceous scales, 2 mm broad, on the underside in a circle along the edge". In the case of A. macrosporoi­des the superficial structure is different, stem more or less floccosesquamulose (under cultivation only below squamose), ring dentate at the edge, on the un­derside more or less as a cog-wheel. Pileus 17 cm diam., primum semiglobosus, deinde explanatus, carnosus, parum nitidus, albidus, compressus plus minus flavescens, omnino vel in medio tantum floccososquamulosus vel squamulosus, forte radialiter rimosus (in cultura albus vel flavidus, nudus vel nonnullis floods ornatus). Lamellae 6 mm latae, per pallide carneum tarde] obscurescentes (in cultura semper roseae), and ultimum nigrofuscae in acie steriles. Stipes 9 cm longus, 40 mm crassus, basin versus plus-minus crassior vel clavatus, albus, plus-minus floccosus-squamulosus (in cultura tantum inferne squamo­sus). Annulus superne adnatus, albus, acie dentatus, in facie interiore rotae dentaate similis. Garo alba, in stipite dissecto lente carnea vel ferrugineocarnea (in cidtura plerumque immutatus) , reactiones eius chimicae: reactio Schafferii negativa vel positi­va, per formaldehydum solutum tarde incarnata, per natrium hydroxidatum pallide fla-

