Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 64. (Budapest 1972)

Wéber, M.: New Platypalpus Macquart species from Hungary (Diptera: Empididae)

According to COLLIN'S subdivisions, the two new species are relegable to group 9 (agilis — maculipes). In differentiating between the new species, the following taxa should be considered: agilella COLLIN, agilis MEIGEN, andalusicus STEOBL, apicatus MELANDEE, dubius WALKER, eumelaena MIK, interjectus LUND­BECK, macropalpa STRÓBL, maculipes MEIGEN, montanas BECKER, mundus WALKER, nigricoxa MIK, obscuratoides ENGEL, poppiusi FREY, pseudomaculipes STRÓBL, rapidus MEIGEN. According to COLLIN (British Flies: Empididae, 1961, p. 201, 196), dubius WALKER is a junior synonym of agilis MEIGEN, while mundus WALKER that of rapidus MEIGEN. Fig. 5. Platypalpus agilis MEIGEN, male genital organ, a: right plate, b: inferior view, c: left plate (after COLLIN) The following species has no or only a very small spur: andalusiacus STRÓBL. interjectus LUNDBECK, maculipes MEIGEN, nigricoxa MIK, obscuraotides ENGEL, and poppiusi FREY. The mesonotal bristles are not black in interjectus LUNDBECK and pseudomacu­lipes STROBL. The legs are yellow in agilella COLLIN, interjectus LUNDBECK, maculipes MEI­GEN, nigricoxa MIK, poppisui FREY, and pseudomaculipes STROBL. The bristles ac are not biserial in maculipes MEIGEN, nigricoxa MIK, rapidus MEIGEN, and eumelaena MIK (males). The new species stand nearest to agilis MEIGEN, apicatus MELANDER, macro­palpa STROBL. and montanus BECKER. The palpus of macropalpa STROBL is large and yellow, but small, light brow­nish or brown in the new species. The species agilis MEIGEN (Fig. 5) and montanus BECKER (Fig. 6) are easily separable by the structure of their genital organs. I know the species apicatus MELANDER and macropalpa STROBL only from lite­rature, and no illustration of their genital organ is given. MELANDER described apicatus in 1927 from Algeria, but only the female is known. The mesonotal bristles are black, while its dusting resembles that of minu­tus MEIGEN, eumelaena MIK, aeneicollis ZETTERSTEDT, and agilis MEIGEN. It differs from the new species by the following features : The row r dc contains only 3 -5 brist­les, and the scutellars cross each other. The head is dusted light greyish, the third antenna! segment is longer, thrice as long as the width of the joint itself, and the arista is not longer than it. The tarsi are not annulate. Vein m x of the wing is arcuate.

