Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 63. (Budapest 1971)

Bohus, G.: Agaricus studies III.

Julianna-major 5.8-6.0x3.9-4.0 Com. Veszprém 5.8—6.5x4.3-5.0 Törökbálint 5.2-6.0x3.9-4.0 Mts. Visegrád: Rekettyési-tó 5.5-5.6x3.9-4.0 Mende, Com. Pest 5.7-6.0x3.9-4.1-(4.5) Mts. Bükk: Stimetz-ház 5.6-5.8x3.8-4.0 Brasov, Romania 5.5—5.7x3.9—4.1 Typus: 44.849 in Herbario Mus. Hist.-nat. Hung., Budapest. Budapest: Farkas­rét, in coemeterio, 1 Junii 1962, leg. G. BOHUS. Further herbarial data : Alsógöd, Com. Pest, in garden, 31 May, 1962, leg. J. HAMBALKÓ ; Veszprém, in park, 27 June, 1962, leg. G. BOHUS. Agaricus pseudopratensis (BOHUS) BOHUS Besides the species of a large stature and a slender, comparatively elongated stem of the X ant hodermus-gr oup, there is also one with a stature like that of Agarcius campester. This was described in 1939, the Latin diagnosis having been founded on one collection. On the basis of materials collected since then, a more detailed and extended description would run as follows: Characteristics: stature squat, measurements resembling those of Agarcius campester. Pileus whitish or greyish white with a greyish brown centre or entirely greyish brown, soon breaking up into appressed squamules or squames. Spores roundish ovate or ovate. Fructifying in sites under human interference, mainly in sandy areas. Pileus semiglobate or convex, often with flattened, sometimes depressed, centre; 2.5—7 cm. ; whitish or greyish white, with a greyish brown centre, or entirely grayish-brownish; soon breaking up into appressed squamules or squames, in dry weather middle cracking, areolate. Gills free; 2—4 mm. broad; vivid rosaceous or rosy carneous, finally blackish brown; with sterile edge. Stem cylindrical or often with a thicker and bulbous base; rather short, 2—5.5 cm. long, 7—12— (18) mm. thick; white, smooth. Ring pendulous; white, on upperside or at edge sometimes brownish; rather tough; sometimes fairly thick. Flesh white, whitish; when cut turning chrome yellow at base or also a little above, thereafter yellow colour fading and often turning to carneous or brownish red. Smell slight, or intenser, resembling ink or carbolic acid. Spores roundish ovate or ovate; 5.1—6.9x4.2— 5.3 u,. Basidia 4-spored; clavate; 15—26x5—7 \i. Marginal cystidia clavate; 16—26X7—12 p.. Sporal measurements of A. pseudopratensis (in \i) Mts. Vértes: Fáni valley 5.9-6.9x4.2-5.0 Budapest : Városliget 5.3—5.8x5.0-5.3 Rákospalota 6.0-6.8x4.6-5.0 Rákoshegy 5.5-5.8x4.5-4.8 Surány, Com. Pest 5.7 — 6.1x4.3—4.5 Mende, Com. Pest 5.1-5.8x4.5-4.8 Mende, Com. Pest 6.0-6.2x4.9-5.3 Csévharaszt, Com. Pest 5.5—6.0x4.0—4.7 6 TT. Múzeum Evkönyve 1971

