Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 60. (Budapest 1968)

Bottyán, O.: An analysis of the palatal measuring methods

Our statements with respect to correlation do not, of course, affect the advan­tages of HEINTZ'S measuring method cited above, namely the establishment of the more precise measuring points, the greater possibilities of measuring, etc., but question merely the validity of the remark concerning the method to wit, its excellence owing to the correlation of the measurements obtained by its application. On the other hand, the results gained from the examination of the Hungarian sample answer to some extent the question whether the palatal surface, restricted by the use of HEINTZ'S method, renders information enough for the entire palate. Since, as I have established, the HEiNTZ-measurements correlate also with the classical ones characterizing the entire palate, it can safely be stated, on the basis of the Hun­garian sample, that the HEiNTZ-mesurements supply information also with respect to the entire palate. Summary NICOLE HEINTZ'S method for measuring the palate is based on more precisely defined and more exactly measurable measuring points. By its application, more palates can be measured than with the classical measuring method. The new method is more advantageous also from an ontogenical point of view. On the basis of a sample, though small (N = 33) yet comprising several great races, HEINTZ established by a mathematico-statistical investigation that the breadth measurements obtained by her method are independent of the classical breadth mesurements. The mathematico-statistical evaluation of a greater (N = 400) and geographically uniform (Hungarian), therefore a more homogeneous, sample gave correlations be­tween the classical and the HEINTZ — measurements, with respect to also the breadth measurements. The deviating results were probably caused by the interracial differences in the material studied by HEINTZ, but these do not affect the usability of the method. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Dr. K. K. ÉRY and Dr. S. WENGER for the use of their un­published data taken from their materials deriving from Majs and Zalavár. References: BOTTYÁN, L. O. : Sopronbánfal va XI—XV. századi temetőjének vázlatos anthropologiai rekonstrukciója (Anthr. Hung., 8, 1968,). — CAMPBELL, T. D.: Dentition and palate of the Australian aboriginal (Adelaide, 1925, pp. 123). — DEZSŐ, GY. : A Popu­lation of the Scythian Period between the Danube and the Tisza (Anthr. Hung., 7, 1 — 2, 1966, p. 35 — 85). — DEZSŐ, GY., ÉRY, K. K., HARSÁN YI, L. HUSZÁR, GY., NEMES­KÉRI, J., NOZDROVICKY, Sz., THOMA, A., TÓTH, T., & WENGER, S.: Die spätmittelalter­liche Bevölkerung von Fonyód (Anthr. Hung., 6,(1963, pp. 166). — ÉRY, K. K.: The Osteological Data of the IXth Century Population of Artánd (Anthr. Hung., 7, 1966, p. 86 — 116). — ÉRY, K. K.: Embertani vizsgálatok Majs rómaikori népességén (Anthr. Hung., 8, 1968). — HEINTZ, N. : Nouvelles mesures du palais (Bulletins et Memories de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 2, XI, 4, 1961, p. 416 — 423). — LIPTÁK, P. : L'analyse typologique de la population de Kérpuszta au Moyen âge (In: NEMESKÉRI, J., LIPTÁK, P. & SZŐKE, B.: Le cimetière du XI siècle de Kérpuszta (Acta Arch. Hung., 3, 1953, p. 303 — 370). — LIPTÁK, P.: Recherces anthropologiques sur les ossements avares des environs d'Üllő (Acta Arch. Hung., 6, 1955, p. 231 — 316). — LIPTÁK, P.: Homokmégy­halom avarkori népessége (Biol. Közi., 4, 1956, p. 25—42). — MARTIN, R.: Lehrbuch der Antropologie II. (Jena, 1928, I—III). — NEMESKÉRI, J. & DEÁK, M.: A Mohács-cselei

