Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 53. (Budapest 1961)

Ujhelyi, J.: Data to the systematics of the subsectio Glaucae of the sectio Bulbosae of the genus Koeleria

Herbarium data : Riga, Westberg; Tegeler Fort (H. Berolensis) W. C o D r a d (sub nom. Koeleria glauca [Schk.] DC. var. lobata Mars.) ; Berlin, Fritzsche u. John (Rchb. Fl. germ, excurs. n. 331) (sub nom. 130 Koel. glauca DC), Treuenbietzen, Panozert; Bohemia centralis, pr. Sadska, Celakovsky, Pozsony m. Lozorno, Gy. G á y e r ; Moldova pr. Hanul Conachi, G. P. Grintescu; Galicia, Szcakova, Myslovitz; Rossia Merid.-or. Prope Sarepta, A. Becker 1887 (Data Domini: K. gl. DC genuina in einer robusten Form) ; Slovakia : Marchfeld ad Rohrbach, K. H. Rechinger (H. Boros); Csepel pr. Budapest, Degen, Thais z, Dánszentmiklós, T h a i s z ; Deliblat : Wierzbicki, Heuffel, Ro­che I, Degen, Thais z, Lengyel, Wagner. Koeleria Rochelii Schur Transsilvania ad Kolozsvár leg. : Schur. The specimen Koeleria glauca ssp. glauca DC labelled b (Combin. hungarica Domin) Domin, Magy. Bot. Lap., V, 284 (1906). Hungária : Banatus (Comit Temes) in collibus arenosis pr. Grebenácz leg. Wagner V. 1905 cum parentibus (H. Deg.), and in the herbarium of the Botanical Department is not a hybrid but wholly identical with Koeleria majoriflora (Borb.) Borb. apud Dom. B ö c h e r mentions in his paper (1) a K. glauca tetraploid 2n = 28 datum from a plant received from the Botanical Garden of Königsberg. He notes that the plant was 65 cm high, its blades longer and less rigid, its development earlier by some 7—10 days. It is not known whether he had to do with K. majoriflora (Borb.) Borb. apud Dom. This datum needs verification. Series II. Caudata Újhelyi series nova Folia basalia similes seriéi glaucae, sed indumento majore, crassiore, glumae et paleae deltoideae. Domin draw the species of this series under subsection 4. Splendentes, but the structure of the epidermis of their blades unmistakably indicates their present reallocation. And this is demonstrated not only by the epidermis of the leaves but also their very consistency. Though, in the spikelets of the com­pact spikes, the glumae and paleae are not rounded, their squat form and the paleae broadest in the middle indicate that the species of the series belong phylo­genetically into the subsection Glaucae. 3. Koeleria caudata (Link) Steudel Syn. Glum. I. 293. Airochloa caudata Link in Linnaea XVII., (1843), p. 405 ; Koeleria crassipes Lange Pugillus Plantarum Nat. For. Vid. Med., (1860). The culm of the 20—30 cm high plant is gracile. The senile blades are expanded, 2—2,5 mm wide, with long, setose hairs basally, the juvenile blades are setose-filamentous, convolute. The blades of the culm are similar to the senile ones. The leaves, together with their sheaths, are densely and minutely hairy. The blades are at most 5 cm long. The spike is very compact, 4—5 cm (exeptionally 8,5 cm) long and 5—8 mm wide. The spikelets are 4—5 mm long, squat, the palea superior 3,5—4 mm long, its carina ciliate, obovate. The glumae have entirely blunt apices, those of the paleae somewhat rounded. The plant grows on the dry, grassy plains and in the woods of the Iberian Peninsula.

