Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 52. (Budapest 1960)

Bohus, G. ; Babos, M.: Notes on the occurrence in Hungary of Russula species, with regard to their range in Europe

Russula mariae Peck ( = R. amoena Quel.) Rare or missing in some European territories, yet it may also be frequent locally. Infrequent in Hungary. Herb. : in the Mts. Buda : in silva, 30 June 1948, around Budakeszi, leg. Krön; in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum caricetosum pilosae, 23, 30 July 1955, Mt. Tökhegy, leg. Bohus&Babos; in the Mts. Pilis : in Potentillo-Quercetum (petraea, cerris) pannoni­cum, July 1958, around the Lake Rekettyés, leg. Bohus&Babos; in the Mts. Bükk : in silva frondosa, 9 Sept. 1955, Mt. Balázshegy, leg. Bohus&Babos; in Luzulo-Quercetum subcarpaticum, 31 July 1957, near Stimetz house, leg. Bohus&Babos; in the Mts. Zemplén : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum luzuletosum, 3 Sept. 1958, Mt. Laczkóhegy, leg. Bohus&Babos. Lit. : — Mycocoenological survey data (Bohus&Babos 1958) : in the Mts. Buda : in Quer­ceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum caricetosum pilosae, 23, 30 July 1955, 21 July 1956, Mt. Tökhegy ; in the Mts. Zemplén : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum luzuletosum, 3 Sept. 1958, Mt. Laczkóhegy ; in Luzulo-Quercetum subcarpaticum fagetosum, 24 Oct. 1958, Mt. Kiskerekhegy. Russula mariae Peck var. violeipes Quel. There are only two data known about its occurrence in Hungary. The specimens collected by the authors wholly conform with B o u d i e r's figure or R. citrina Gill, (caj> yellowy stem slightly violaceous). Herb. : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum luzuletosum, 17 Sept., 7 Oct. 1958' Osva valley, Mts. Zemplén, leg. Bohus&Babos. Lit. : sub. nom. R. citrina Gill. : Gödöllő, Com. Pest, in coniferous woods (S z e m e r e) Moesz (1942), Szemére (1960). Mycocoenological survey data (Bohus&Babos 1958): in Querceto petraeae-Carpi­netum pannonicum luzuletosum, 17 Sept., 7 Oct. 1958, Osva valley, Mts. Zemplén. Russula melliolens Quel. According to the European literature, it is frequent in some countries (e. g. France), rare or even missing elsewhere. Rare also in Hungary. Herb. : in Pineto-Quercetum, 12—13 August 1958, Szakonyfalu, Com. Vas, leg. Babos; in the Mts. Buda: in Potentillo-Quercetum (petraea, cerris) pannonicum, 29 June 1952, around Budakeszi, leg. mycologists ; in silva mixta, 16 Sept. 1955, Mt. Hársbokorhegy, leg. B o h u s & Babos; in the Mts. Pilis : between Pilisszentlászló and Szentendre, July 1946, leg. B o h u s & Stieber; in the Mts. Zemplén : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum, 3 Sept. 1958, Kishuta, leg. Bohus&Babos. Lit. : in the Mts. Buda : Hűvösvölgy, in deciduous forests (Bohus, R.) Moesz (1942), Bohus (1943) ; Budapest (Moesz) Kalmár (1956—57) ; in the Mts. Pilis (Bohus) Kalmár (1956—57); in the Mts. Mecsek (Varga) Kalmár (1956—57). Mycocoenological survey data (Bohus&Babos 1958) : in PinetoQuercetum, 12—13 August 1958, Szakonyfalu, Com. Vas ; in the Mts. Zemplén : in Querceto petraeae-Carpinetum pannonicum, 3 Sept. 1958, Kishuta. Russula nauseosa Fr. ex Pers. Frequent almost in the whole of Europe ; common in Hungary too. Its variability is very high. It is association-indifferent coenologically, fructifying, however, in mainly forest associations on an acidic substratum.

