Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 51. (Budapest 1959)

Papp, J.: The Microgaster Latr., Microplitis Först., and Hygroplitis Thoms. species of the Carpathian Basin (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)

Descriptions of new species* Microgaster claritibia sp. n. 9 : Head. — Head rounded (viewed frontally), not hairy. Face densely and roughly rugose. Vertex smooth and shiny. Antenna 18-jointed, as long as body. Antennái joints terminally shortening, yet always longer than broad. Last antennái joint longer than preceding one. No annular incision visible on joints. Antenna short, pubescence adpressed, black. Maxillary palpus 5-jointed, labial palpus 3-jointed. Head black: palpi, excepting basal joints, vivid yellow. Fig. 1—8. Mesonotum and scutellum of : •— 1. Microgaster claritibia sp. n. — 2. M. tegularis sp. n. — 3. M.fusca sp. n. — 4. M. tibialis Nees. — 5. M. subcompleta Nees. — 6. M. globata L. — 7. Microplitis tristis Nees. — 8. Coxa of Microgaster rugosicoxa sp. n. Thorax. — Mesonotum finely and evenly rugulose (fig. 1.). Scutellum also finely and — as related to mesonotum — sporadically punctate, centrally well­nigh smooth. Mesonotum as well as scutellum shining. All three ridges on meta­notum present, its surface smooth any shiny. Punctation of anterior and in­ferior margins of mesopleura sharply distinct from its smooth and shiny surface. Thorax not hairy. Legs black, excepting vivid yellow first tibia (and distal half of femur), dark brown tarsi, and proximal halves of tibia 2. and 3. Venation darkening distally. Stigma black ; ratio of its length and breadth as 2:1. Abdomen. — Outline of abdomen elongate-elliptic, shorter than head and thorax combined. Plate of first tergite twice as long as broad centrally, with a longitudinal and shallow indentation in its medial axis. Only its distal quarter eventually rugose, otherwise smooth and shiny. Posterior margin rounded rather angularly. Margin greyish yellow. On tergite 2., an elliptical field centrally and a triangular one on both sides (fig. 15.). Central field eventually slightly rugulose, * The holo- and allotypes of the new taxa are to be found in the Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum.

