Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 8. (Budapest 1957)

Gozmány, L.: Notes on the generic group Symmoca Hbn. (Lep. Gelechiidae)

Klimeschi sp. n. is smaller, the appendage leaning away from dorsum. Gen­prep. 114, ,,Gaitzaes, Taygetos, VI. 1902, leg. H o 11 z", designated as lecto­holotype (fig. 5 : G). attalica sp. n. Alar exp. : 12—14 mm. Externally exceedingly similar to sparsella Joann., with the basal and two costal dark dots somewhat smaller. To be distinguished from sparsella Joann. (or petrogenes Wlsghm. = hispanella Rbl.) only by its genital apparatus, which has a long and slender costal appendage from base of costa (the dorsal appendage of petrogenes Wlsghm. is not bent). Gen. prep. 99 (fig. 5 : F). Known up to now from Greece only. The „vitiosella Z." specimens of the Berlin Museum, originating from Greece (collected by K r ü p e r) are all attalica Gozm., the same as C a r a d j a's animals from Athen, or those of Staudinger from „Graecia" and Rebel's from ,,Attica". Holotype male : ,,Graecia, Attica, 96, leg. K r ü p e r", gen. prep. 99 ; paratype male : as above, and four other ones in the Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. Holotype and one paratype in the Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. costobscurella Amsel 1949. Distinguished by the very long and large dor­sal appendage of the male organ. The same conformation in surprisingly recur­rent in mediterraneiis Gozm., which species belongs, however, to a widely differ­ently venated genus (Donaspastus Gozm.), and, even more strikingly, in Nes­torellus meyricki Geras. This latter has no similar external feature with costob­scurella, whilst mediterraneus Gozm. is rather similar. Gen. prep. ,,(GU) 521a", made by Amsel of the holotype (fig. 5 : I). gypsomorpha Meyrick 1928. Male genital organ with two appendages, bent away from the valval margins. Petrogenes Wlsghm. has smaller ones which are almost straight, the costal one of perobscurata Gozm. is smaller, that of molitor Wlsghm. much longer. Gen. prep. 9125, made by Clarke of the type (fig. 5 : B). latiusculella Stainton 1867. Its dorsal appendage is sharply bent and ex­tends well over the costa, thereby differring from cinerariella Mn ; signatella HS. has much longar costal appendage, whilst the dorsal one of vitiosella Z. is even more sharply bent and has a very acute tip ; the dorsal one of profanella Zerny leans at once away from the dorsal margin, finally, the appendages of candidella Chrét. are both much longer. Gen. prep. 136, ,,Kirjat-Anawim, Jeru­salem, 2. V. 1930, leg. Amse I" (fig. 5 : D). libanicolella Zerny 1934. Its dorsal appendage is slightly bent and rather small, with a rounded, blunt tip. That of kali fella Amsel follows the dorsal margin. Gen. prep. Ill, Nd. Libanon, Cedern bei Becharré, 1900 m., 24—30' VI. 1931, leg. Zerny, holotype (fig. 5 : H). profanella Zerny 1936. Its dorsal appendage leans soon away from the dorsum, is sharply bent and extends well over the costa. The peculiar shape of its inner margin distinguishes it from all related forms. Gen. prep. 115, Marokko, Gr. Atlas, Goundafa, 1200 m, 15-20. VI. 1933, leg. Zerny, lectoholotype (fig. 5 : E). Aprominta gen. n. Labial palpi recurved, ascending or slightly porrect ; antennae smooth. Head with hairs combed anteriorly. Wings small, rounded. Venation of fore wings: as in Symmoca Hbn, but m 3 and cuj coincident, from lower angle of cell, cu 2 far back. Hind wings as in Symmoca Hbn. (fig. 1 : C).

